Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam

The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam

The story of Kumari Kandam is not regarded as just a story, but seems to be laden with nationalistic sentiments. It has been claimed that the Pandiyan kings of Kumari Kandam were the rulers of the whole Indian continent, and that Tamil civilisation is the oldest civilisation in the world. When Kumari Kandam was submerged, its people spread across the world and founded various civilisations, hence the claim that the lost continent was also the cradle of human civilisation.

So, how much truth is there in the story of Kumari Kandam? According to researchers at India’s National Institute of Oceanography, the sea level was lower by 100 m about 14,500 years ago and by 60 m about 10,000 years ago. Hence, it is entirely possible that there was once a land bridge connecting the island of Sri Lanka to mainland India. As the rate of global warming increased between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago, the rising sea levels resulted in periodic flooding. This would have submerged prehistoric settlements that were located around the low-lying coastal areas of India and Sri Lanka. Stories of these catastrophic events may have been transmitted orally from one generation to another and finally written down as the story of Kumari Kandam.
One piece of evidence used to support the existence of Kumari Kandam is Adam’s Bridge (also called Rama’s Bridge), a chain of limestone shoals made up of sand, silt and small pebbles located in the Palk Strait extending 18 miles from mainland India to Sri Lanka.  This strip of land was once believed to be a natural formation, however, others argue that images taken by a NASA satellite depict this land formation to be a long broken bridge under the ocean's surface.

The location of Adam's Bridge between India and Sri Lanka

The existence of a bridge in this location is also supported by another ancient legend.  The Ramayana tells the tale of Sita, Rama’s wife, being held captive on the island of Lanka. Rama commissions a massive building project to construct a bridge to transport his army of Vanara (ape men) across the ocean to Lanka.
As with most so-called myths, it seems likely that there is at least some truth to the ancient Tamil legends of Kumari Kandam, but just how much, is yet to be determined.

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Saturday, 15 August 2015

Celestial Battle

This is important to remember, because the key to understanding pre-historical events (as recorded by the Sumerians) and subsequent historical events, resides with the very personage of Abraham, the Father of the Hebrews.

The story continues...

At about this time (four billion years ago) a planet, about four times the size of our planet Earth,broke away from another star system in deep space and started a long journey which finally brought it close to our solar system. The name of this planet was Nibiru. It brought with it four moons known as "Winds," the North Wind, the East Wind, the South Wind, and the West Wind. (Later, in extant writings, the Babylonians renamed the planet Nibiru, Marduk .) Our solar system drew Marduk closer and closer because of gravitational forces, until it was trapped, forever to make the long journey to deep space and then back again around our Sun, coming clockwise into our solar system in proximity between Mars and Jupiter. The problem being there was already a planet (about twice the size of our Earth) orbiting between Mars and Jupiter! This planet was called Tiamat by the Sumerians (Teom, by the later Hebrews).

Tiamat had many small moons and one large moon named Kingu. Kingu was in the process of becoming a full planet in its own right, when Marduk and its moons entered the scene. And quite a scene it was! It was the start of a tremendous celestial battle, to be fought out on a titanic scale.

As mighty Marduk swung in on an arc that put it on a collision course with Tiamat, Kingu (Tiamat's large moon) came between Marduk and Tiamat. One of the Winds (moons) of Marduk swung into position in front of Marduk to do battle with Kingu. Kingu took the first hit as Marduk's moon struck, and glanced off of Kingu, and now Marduk's moon was heading straight for Tiamat!

Tiamat sent out terrible weapons of destruction toward Marduk's Moon, but to no avail...The Moon of Marduk struck Tiamat...cracked the mighty dragon Tiamat like a hard-boiled egg... left her there to languish... to wither in pain and humility: its life all but extinguished. Tiamat awaited her fate... Marduk was now ready (next in line) to strike her... but no! It was a near miss. Would Tiamat be spared?

Yes and no! The Wind (moon) of Marduk had taken the life out of Kingu and all but left Tiamat lifeless. Tiamat now hung, mortally wounded, in space, awaiting her fate.

The God Marduk observed the Dragon Tiamat as He passed by on his first orbit of our Solar System. Then He moved around our Sun and out into deep space whence He came. Thirty six hundred years later He returned... to finish the Titanic battle He had started with Tiamat.

Closer and closer He came, sending out lightning and gravitational nets and awesome weapons toward Tiamat. Tiamat responded with the little life She had left in her... but the Fates had decreed Her destiny. Nothing could be done. Marduk would have His will and His way with Her!

Nothing short of celestial rape would take place on that awesome day, four billion years ago. Marduk struck Tiamat! Half of Tiamat was pulverized immediately. The Winds (moons) of Marduk fought with the remaining moons of Tiamat, sending them off into space, to return periodically as meteors. Half of Tiamat was shunted into a new orbit (along with the dead Kingu) between Venus and Mars. Yes, we live on a planet that was once twice its size and was once called Tiamat!

Earth is the other half of Tiamat. The pulverized part of Tiamat is now the Hammered out Bracelet of biblical nomenclature... in astronomical terms it is called "the asteroid belt." The dead Kingu is now our Moon.

In the awful battle between Marduk and Tiamat, Tiamat was "seeded" with much of the proto-life forms of Marduk. This is also important to remember, as we shall discover during the remainder of this ancient account of the history and cosmology of our Solar System.

To the Sumerians, all of the planets in our solar system were considered Gods. This wasn't a superstition to them. They had good reason for attributing this appellation to the planets as we shall see momentarily.

Marduk's orbit stabilized after its battle with Tiamat/Earth. Every thirty six hundred years it makes its long journey (in a clockwise direction) around our Sun. Astronomers even today are trying to locate "planet X." It is also interesting that some astronomers agree with Zecharia Sitchin's estimate of Marduk's size, based on his interpretation of Sumerian and Babylonian texts.

If it were just a matter of discovering another planet in our solar system, there would probably be no more excitement generated by the general public than say, when Neptune and Pluto were discovered. But there will be much more to be excited about, concerning the day when our astronomers discover Marduk. Because, if the ancient Sumerians were correct about the existence of Marduk, they were also probably correct about one other "fact" concerning Marduk: it is populated with intelligent beings! Back to our story...

About four hundred fifty thousand years ago Marduk made one of its countless orbits around our Sun. But this time was special. This time something happened that would forever change the history of planet Earth. This time a shuttle craft departed from Marduk, with a number of intelligent beings and a scientific payload on board...destined for Earth!

No, they were not human beings, as we think of human beings. They had all the attributes of what we would still consider Gods to be today. Even though they lived phenomenal life- spans, they looked just as we humans do. These beings, from their home planet Marduk, had scientific skills that would still seem magical to us today. They had knowledge of genetics, biology, psychology, anthropology, astronomy and countless other disciplines that we are just now reaching for (but not quite mastering). In short, these beings who dropped down from the heavens, four hundred and fifty thousand years ago, might just as well have been the deities from out of all of the world's religious scriptures. As a matter of fact, they were!

They needed precious metals. Their planet was dying. Their planet's atmosphere was dying, just as our planet's atmosphere is beginning to die. They needed gold and other precious metals to "seed" their planet's atmosphere. Earth had an abundance of gold and other precious metals. The beings from Marduk shuttled to Earth from Marduk, four hundred and fifth thousand years ago, in order to mine our gold and other precious metals! And this is exactly what they did. For one hundred and fifty thousand years, they mined the Earth's gold and other precious metals without the aid of human beings...for there were, as yet, no human beings on Planet Earth.

Yes, they did other things as well. They built settlements (many of them), starting with Eridu (their first space port) in the Mesopotamian Valley area, in the Middle East. Then they built a mission control center called Nippur. They also completed the other settlements necessary for their enormous projects: Larsa and Bad-Tibira, as well as Larak, Sippur, Shurupak and Lagash. All of these settlements were constructed in the Mesopotamian Valley in such a manner as to form a flight corridor for subsequent shuttle-craft. They also had orbiting space stations for use as holding places for the precious metals that would be ferried to Marduk each time Marduk would return from its long journey around our Sun.

Who were these beings who first came from the heavens to mine Earth's precious metals? Did they have names and faces? Can we identify them?

Those beings from Marduk had a Monarchical system of government on their home planet. Their present king was named Anu. His rank was "60" and he was the head of a pantheon of twelve. The members of the pantheon of twelve were all related to each other and were ranked downward from "60". Anu had two sons: Enki, the oldest (by Anu's wife Antu) and Enlil (by Anu's half-sister). Succession to the throne went to the son by the half-sister, therefore Enlil had the rank of "50," whereas the oldest son, Enki, had the rank of "40." Each of the wives were ranked "5" under their spouses, therefore Anu's wife had the rank of "55"; Enlil's wife had the rank of "45"; Enki's wife was ranked "35," and so on until the 12 were completed. (Never more than twelve and never less than twelve. Each of the members of the pantheon were identified with one of the twelve "planets" in our solar system. (The ancients counted the Sun and Moon as planets, Marduk/Nibiru being the 12th planet.)

Anu was the king and head of a pantheon of twelve "gods" on his home planet Marduk/Nibiru. The "beings" from Marduk are known by several appellations. The rank and file are known by the term Anunnaki. The twelve "gods," or, more properly, "lofty ones," were known as the Nefilim -- the biblical Elohim. The ones who stayed (for the most part) in the shuttle-craft and orbiting space stations were known as the Igigi.

The rank and file Anunnaki worked in the gold mines of South Africa for one hundred and fifty thousand years. They literally breathed and ate dust from morning till night mining the precious metal needed so desperately by their home planet, Marduk. In the beginning, Enki (expert in many fields) thought the oceans could be mined for gold but the effort was too time consuming and difficult for the relatively small amount of yield. It wasn't long before the oceans were given up, in lieu of land mining. But after eating and breathing dust for so long, even the "gods" had enough of it and they rebelled big time! No more would they bend their backs and toil endlessly in the ancient mines!

(Because of the animosity and hostility generated between the two sons of Anu, Enlil and Enki (Ea Enki), Anu gave each of them dominion over different areas of the Earth. Enlil would be in charge of the total mining operation but his headquarters would remain in the Mesopotamian Valley area. Enki was put in charge of the mining operations in South Africa. For a time, this worked out rather well -- until the rank and file Anunnaki mutinied -- they refused to work in the mines any longer.)

Enlil, on one of his rare visits to South Africa, had his own mansion and body guards and was sleeping soundly (the ancient writings reveal) when he was abruptly awakened and told that a large party of gold miners were at the gates of his mansion and were threatening bodily harm to all inside. "What is their complaint," Enlil wanted to know. "Why were they at the gates and threatening the great lofty one with bodily harm?"

"They refuse to work in the mines any longer...the toil is too much," he was told.

What to do?! This was unheard of. "Find the leader of this rebellion and bring him to me so that I might kill him," Enlil shouted to his body guards.

"But," the body guards replied, "the great god Enki is the leader of these rebels! How can we subdue Enki?"

Enlil thought for a moment and said, "We shall convene the Counsel of Twelve. Summon the Great Anu. He shall settle this dispute and put all of the guilty parties to death!"

Things, however, did not go quite as Enlil thought they would. Yes, the Counsel of Twelve was convened. Yes, the Great Anu sat in chambers, and after Enlil had finished his tirade against the rebellious miners (and of course their leader -- especially their leader) Enki got up to speak.

"For one hundred and fifty thousand years our brothers have worked, endlessly, in the dirty, dusty mines, constantly bending and bruising themselves so that our home planet's atmosphere might be spared. They have, day in and day out, slaved in those mines. They have a right to be heard!"

The Great Anu agreed! Enlil became still. Enki smiled to himself.

"But what is the solution," Anu demands of Enki.

"There is a way," Enki answered. A hush fell over the conference hall as Enki began to speak.

"My half sister, Ninhursag (chief scientist and genetic engineer), has been experimenting with bio-genetics in her `house of breath,'" Enki began...

"She has been experimenting for quite some time and is near to a solution to our problem. She is attempting to "create," through genetic engineering, a lulu -- a mutation of existing animal life on this planet, intelligent enough to take orders, but subdued enough not to rebel! -- a slave- worker is what she is attempting to "create!"

"So be it!," Anu declared. "Do this so that our own people might have respite from the extraordinary toil the mines have exacted."

It wasn't very long after this historic meeting of the Counsel of Twelve that Ninhursag exclaimed, "I have done it! I have created a Lulu! I have created a slave worker!"

(I shall not go into specifics in this part of my narration concerning just how Ninhursag "created" a slave-worker. For the time being, suffice to say this Lulu was "manufactured" for the sole purpose of working in the gold mines and serving his "gods." This Lulu was a proto-type of what would subsequently be full-fledged human beings. In the beginning, these human proto-types could not procreate.)

In the next segment I will tell of the avarice of Enlil and his friends in the Mesopotamian Valley area. They wanted some of Enki's Lulus for themselves -- to serve them -- to pamper them... I shall also speak of the Garden of Eden and how full-fledged humans came into being with the ability to procreate. All this and more as we continue this saga, straight out of the records left by the ancient Sumerians as translated by Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles.

The biblical account of the creation story takes over about where the Sumerian account ends, with special reference to the Garden of Eden.

After many arguments between Enlil and his brother Enki, over the ownership of the newly "created" Lulus, Enlil finally travels from his base in Mesopotamia, with a couple of weapons (one of which was a huge earth drill), and forcefully captures some of the Lulus, and brings them back to the Sumerian E-Din (Eden). They become the servants to the other Nefilim (Gods). (The later Hebrew scriptures condense the many Sumerian "gods" into one "God"...for nationalistic reasons.) [It is my contention that Enlil (El) becomes JHVH (Jehovah)]

For thousands of years, the naked Lulus labor in the gold mines of South Africa, as well as "tending the garden" in Mesopotamia. Then one day Enki said to himself: "It is not right for my `creation' to be burdened with all of the toil without the benefit of `help mates.' These Lulus look much like we do, but they are not happy. They do not have most of the things we (the Nefilim) take for granted. I will change this. I will give them the ability to procreate!" And Enki did this thing! (It was probably not for purely altruistic reasons that Enki gave the gift of procreation to the Lulus, which, by the way, made of them full-fledge human beings, identical in all ways (but one) with the "Gods." That "one" difference was in a shortened life-span for the humans.)

Source :

Friday, 14 August 2015


Abraham is one of the names famous in Asia Minor and in Arabia, like Thoth among the Egyptians, the first Zoroaster in Persia, Hercules in Greece, Orpheus in Thrace, Odin among the northern nations, and so many others whose fame is greater than the authenticity of their history. I speak here only of profane history; for that of the Jews, our teachers and our enemies, whom we believe and detest, having manifestly been written by the holy ghost himself, we feel about it as we must. I refer here only to the Arabs. They boast that they descend from Abraham through Ishmael. They believe that this patriarch built Mecca and died in that city.

The fact is that the race of Ishmael has been infinitely more favoured by god than the race of Jacob. It is true that both races have produced thieves; but the Arab thieves have been prodigiously superior to the Jewish thieves. The descendants of Jacob conquered only a very small country, which they lost; and the descendants of Ishmael have conquered part of Asia, Europe and Africa have established an empire vaster than that of the Romans, and have driven the Jews from their caves, which they called the promised land. If we followed the methods of our modern history books it would be quite hard to believe that Abraham was the father of two such different nations.

We are told that he was born in Chaldea, and that he was the son of a poor potter who earned his living by making little day idols. It is scarcely credible that the son of this potter went to Mecca, 300 leagues away in the  tropics, by way of impassable deserts. If he was a conqueror he no doubt aimed at the fine country of Assyria; and if he was only a poor man as he is depicted, he founded no kingdoms in foreign parts.

Genesis relates that he was seventy-five years old when he departed from the land of Haran after the death of his father, the potter Terah; but the same Genesis also says that Terah, having begotten Abraham at the age of seventy, lived to the age of 205, and that Abraham did not leave Haran until after the death of his father. Either the author did not know how to arrange his narrative, or it is clear from Genesis itself that Abraham was 135 when he left Mesopotamia. He went from one idolatrous country to another idolatrous country called Shechem, in Palestine. Why did he go there? Why did he leave the fertile banks of the Euphrates for so distant, so sterile and so stony a region as Shechem? The Chaldean language must have been very different from that of Shechem, which was not a trading centre. Shechem is more than 1 hundred leagues from Chaldea.

Deserts have to be traversed to get there. But God wanted him to make this journey, he wanted to show him the land which his descendants were to occupy several centuries later. The human mind has difficulty in grasping the reasons for such a journey. Hardly had he arrived in the little mountainous country of Shechem than famine obliged him to leave it. He went to Egypt to seek sustenance. It is 200 leagues from Shechem to Memphis. Is it natural to go so far to ask for grain, and that to a country whose language one does not understand?

What strange journeys to undertake at the age of nearly 140! He brought his wife Sarah to Memphis. She was extremely young, almost a child compared to him, for she was only sixty-five. As she was very beautiful he resolved to turn her beauty to account, and said to her: "Pretend to be my sister, that it may go well with me for your sake." He should rather have said: "Pretend to be my daughter." The king fell in love with the young Sarah, and gave the self-styled brother many sheep, oxen, asses, she-asses, camels, man-servants and maids: which proves that Egypt was already a very powerful, very civilized, and consequently very ancient kingdom, and that brothers who came and offered their sisters to the kings of Memphis were magnificently rewarded. According to the scriptures the young Sarah was ninety when God promised her that Abraham, who was then 160, would give her a child that year.

Abraham, who loved to travel, went into the horrible desert of Kadesh with his pregnant wife, still young and still pretty. A king of this desert did not fail to fall in love with Sarah as had the king of Egypt. The father of the faithful told the same lie as in Egypt: he passed off his wife as his sister, and this again earned him a profit of sheep, oxen, men-servants and maids. We might say that Abraham grew very rich by means of his wife. The commentators have written a prodigious number of volumes to justify Abraham's conduct, and to reconcile his chronology. The reader must therefore be referred to these commentaries. They are all written by delicate wits and discerning minds, excellent philosophers, unprejudiced, no pedants. For the rest, this name Bram, Abram, was famous in India and Persia: some learned men even allege that he was the same legislator as the one the Greeks called Zoroaster. Others say that he was the Brahma of the Indians. But what appears very reasonable to many scholars is that this Abrahim was a Chaldean or a Persian. Later on the Jews boasted that they were descended from him, as the Franks descend from Hector, and the Bretons from Tubal.

It is certain that the Jewish nation was quite a modern horde; that it did not establish itself near Phoenicia until very late; that it was surrounded by ancient peoples; that it adopted their language; that it took from them the very name of Israel which is Chaldean, according to the testimony of the Jew Flavius Josephus himself. We know that it took even the names of the angels from the Babylonians; and finally that it was only after the Phoenicians that it gave god the name of Eloi or Eloa, Adonai, Jehovah or Hiao.

It probably knew the name of Abraham or Ibrahim only through the Babylonians; for the ancient religion of all the regions from the Euphrates to the Oxus was called Kish-Ibrahim, Milat-Irbirahim. All the researches made on the spot by the learned Hyde confirm this. The Jews thus treat history and ancient fables as their old clothes-men treat their worn out garments: they turn them and sell them for new at the highest possible price It is a singular example of human stupidity that we should for so long have regarded the Jews as a nation which had taught everything to all others, although their historian Josephus himself admits the contrary.

It is difficult to pierce the darkness of antiquity; but it is evident that all the kingdoms of Asia flourished greatly before the vagabond horde of Arabs called Jews possessed a little corner of earth for its own, before it had a town, laws, and a settled religion. Thus, when we consider an ancient rite, an ancient opinion, established both in Egypt or Asia, and among the Jews, it is quite natural to suppose that this little people, new, ignorant, rude, still lacking the arts, copied as best it could the ancient, flourishing and industrious nation.

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Thursday, 13 August 2015

Lord of the Earth

Enki was known as the “Lord of the Earth”, and it is because of this “amphibious” nature of their progenitor, who reigned over both land and sea, that the Merovingians are associated with frogs. But this “Lord of the Earth” title is significant, for this is a title also given to Satan. It has been acknowledged elsewhere that Enki, as the “fish-goat man”, is the prototype for the Zodiac sign of Capricorn, which is itself recognized as the prototype for the modern conception of Satan or Lucifer. Furthermore, a well-known and pivotal episode in Enki’s career was his fight against his brother Enlil over the succession of the global throne. Enki eventually slew Enlil, something that is recorded in the Egyptian myth of Set murdering Osiris, and perhaps in the Biblical story of Cain murdering Abel. The connection between Enki and Enlil and Cain and Abel can be further proven by the fact that Enki and Enlil were the son of Anu (in some Sumerian legends, the first god-king on Earth), whereas Cain and Abel were the sons of the first man, called “Adamu” in Sumerian legends. “Adamu” and “Anu” appear to be etymologically related.

This family feud erupted into a long and overdrawn battle between the gods, who were split into two factions over the issue. These appear to be the same two factions who were at odds over the mating of gods and men to create the Grail bloodline. Those who supported Enki/Satan and Cain were clearly the ones who were inclined to breed with mankind, perhaps in an attempt to create a hybrid race that could assist them in retaining the throne for Cain. But they were overpowered. After they lost the “war in Heaven”, they were cast into the Abyss (according to legend, now the realm of Satan), and the Earth was flooded so as to rid it of their offspring.

Yet according to the legends, those gods who had created the hybrid race contacted one of their most favored descendants (called Uta-Napishtim in the Sumerian legends, or Noah in the Jewish), helping him to rescue himself and his family, preserving the seed of hybrid humanity.(6) We see remnants of this in the Vedic legends of the Flood, in which the Noah figure, here called “Manu”, is warned about the Flood by a horned fish (who turns out to be the Hindu god Vishnu in disguise). The fish tells Manu to build a ship, and then tie its tip to his horn. He then proceeds to tow Manu’s ship to safety upon a high mountain. So clearly Vishnu is connected to Enki, Dagon, and Oannes, and clearly he is the same one who saved Noah from the Flood. Yet this very deed became attributed, in the Old Testament, to the same god, Jehovah, who had purportedly caused the Flood to begin with. In fact the word Jehovah, or “Jah” is said to have evolved from the name of another Sumerian sea god-king, Ea, “the Lord of the Flood.” Likewise, Leviathan is responsible, according to some references, for “vomiting out the waters of the Flood.” This occurs at the Apocalypse in the Revelation of St. John the Divine as well. Leviathan, like many of these sea gods, was the Lord of the Abyss, and these waters were believed to be holding the Earth up from underneath, in the regions of Hell. Yet “Leviathan” is almost surely etymologically related to the Jewish name “Levi”, and therefore to the “tribe of Levi”, the priestly caste of the Jews that formed part of Christ’s lineage.

This dual current, being associated with both the heavenly and the infernal, with both Jesus and Jehovah, as well as Satan and Lucifer, is something that is consistently found throughout the history of the Merovingian dynasty, as well as all of the other Grail families, and the entire Grail story itself. It is at the heart of the secret spiritual doctrine symbolized by the Grail.

The reference to Satan and Jesus sharing the same blood is very important. A tradition exists, one which finds support among The Book of Enoch and many others, that Jesus and Satan are brothers, both sons of the Most High God, and they both sat next to his throne in Heaven, on the right and left sides, respectively, prior to Satan’s rebellion and the War in Heaven. This may be just another version of the persistent and primordial “Cain and Abel” story. It makes sense that Satan should be a direct son of God, since he is described as God’s “most beloved angel” and “the brightest star in Heaven.

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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Nephilim, The Fallen Angels

1. Abstract: The Sitchin Version

You who have read Sitchin's "Earth Chronicles"[*], or even one or two books in the series, are already familiar with the term Anunnaki (ANU.NA.KI.), "Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came".

Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) was a Russian linguist and author (later a New York resident), who took on as his life mission to translate the old Sumerian clay tablets. I am not going to go into much details here about how Sitchin came to his conclusions, as this can be studied elsewhere, but in general, he found that about 450,000 years ago an advanced race of creator gods came to Earth from their home planet, Nibiru (NI.BI.RU.), or Ša.A.M.e. in their own language (pronounced: shaamae; "to cut or break /creation/red ocher + watery father + office/ideal norm", in the Ša.A.M.e. language, Anemegir, having nearly identical meanings in Sumerian as well)[1]. According to Sitchin's translations, they didn't originally come here as settlers, but to dig gold and minerals, something that Earth was (and still is) rich on.

With time, this space-bound warrior race decided to use the existing primates as slaves in their mines and started an additional genetic manipulation of the early humans. The Sumerians, who left accounts of their myth inscribed on cuneiform tablets some 5,000 years ago, tell a spectacular story of these "gods" who came down and ruled over them. Not only do these tablets tell their present time story, but they also told the story of their own creation, and how the gods arrived on Earth and manipulated the DNA of early humans. Apparently, these stories were taught to the Sumerian people by this warrior race and go back about 450,000 years in time. Even today, these stories (and more) are passed down to a few initiates into the Mystery Schools and secret societies around the world. As we shall see, this species is equivalent to the biblical Fallen Angels and Nephilim.

Zecharia Sitchin has been accused of many things, from being a complete fraud who's making it all up, or being a government disinformation agent, a shape-shifting reptilian, part of the establishment because he went to a famous university, and more. But at the end of the day, his translations and conclusions are surviving the winds of time. Of course, he was human, and was not always right (who is?), but he did a good job in helping us understand our past. And not only can we see the effects today from what the Sumerians wrote on their clay tablets and thus see that this is not a fable, but there are, like I've mentioned earlier, people who have actually met with the Ša.A.M.i. from their home planet Ša.A.M.e., and these beings have told them that most of Sitchin's work is "right on". If I ever had any doubts about its authenticity, I do no more. Sitchin did the best he could with what he had at his convenience. I'm convinced about it.

However, just because he did an outstanding job translating the tablets doesn't mean that the tablets were totally accurate. I have reasons to believe that on some accounts, the scribes, who wrote down what's on the cuneiform tablets, were not always told the truth by those who dictated them, the Anunnaki. Scholars and others may object and say that these tablets were not written by one person, and not everything was dictated, so that doesn't hold water, but it does. Most probably, the present time which the Sumerians were depicting in clay was most certainly correct from their point of view, but the past history of Earth, seen from their present, was to some extent altered to more fit into certain agendas, planned by a faction, and sometimes most of the Anunnaki themselves. We know for a fact that Marduk Ra changed the Earth history at least once, and Ningishzidda (Thoth) probably did, too, and there were more... Still, they didn't bother keeping their own struggle with each other off the record, clearly showing the character of many of these beings. On the other hand, they probably had little choice, because the humans knew how they were.

Despite this fact, Sitchin's version is a must-read if we want to know our own true history and our origins. This alien species had reasons to edit out and change a few things, because they also knew that those from the home planet would return to Earth one day, and they had to prepare humanity for this, so that their arrival would be as smooth as possible.

In this "First Level of Learning", I will concentrate on the Anunnaki, although there were other alien species here during the time the Anunnaki had their peak time on Earth. The Sumerian Scriptures make it sounds like they were the only "gods" here, which was not the case (something I wrote about in "Genesis Paper #1: Human Origins and The Living Library"). We will bring up other races too in future papers, and in the "Second Level of Learning" I will tell the deeper story about the Anunnaki as it were, and as it is, according to my own research. However, this subject is so vast (everything is, isn't it?) that it's more than enough, as a starter, to bring Sitchin's material into new light. And another reason why I am separating out this species from many of the others is that they are the ones who have had the most influence on humankind of all ET races from 300,000 years ago up to present time. The curious thing is that although most people think that this was all in the past, in fact, the Anunnaki never left! Some of them stayed, and there was only a short period of time, during the second half of the first millennium A.D., when they all left, and this world was left with humans only for the first time in perhaps a quarter of a million years.

One misconception that I want to point out already now is that some people think that at least we owe the Anunnaki for manipulating our DNA. Without their intervention, we would still be apes running around on the savannahs and in the bushes. This is exactly what the Anunnaki want us to believe, and that's one of their best cards! My viewpoint, backed up by research, shows another picture. We shall go into that after the story about the Anunnaki on Earth is told--Sitchin's version, mind you...

But don't think for a second that it's not worth reviewing Sitchin's translations! They are gems, in my opinion. If you are not totally familiar with them, and don't know who is who in the saga, please review my papers in regards to the Anunnaki. And if you're new to them, here is the story in condensed form.

Before we start discussing the huge influence of the Anunnaki on Earth and human history, I want to pay my tribute, not only to Sitchin and those who came after, but also to the anthropologist, Dr. Sasha Lessin, whom have spent a lot of time putting Sitchin's pieces together in a fluent, coherent format, which makes it read like one compressed novel, through his "Enki Speaks" essays ( This has been very helpful in my own studies to grasp the wealth of Sitchin's research, and I have used Lessin's essays as a resource quite a bit in my own Anunnaki Papers to make Sitchin's work more available to the public.

Now, before we introduce Sitchin's work further, let's start by going back in time some 4.2 - 4.5 billion years to see how the Anunnaki themselves were seeded and created.

2. The Seeding of the Sirian Anunnaki

There are human scientists; astrophysicists, quantum physicists, linguists, and those with other specialties, who have come together in a physics research group called the LPG-C (Life Physics Group California)[2]. They are currently meeting with ETs on a regular basis; both in physical, mind-to-mind communication, and through neurosensing (about neurosensing, see Physics Paper #1: "Exploring the Unum -- The Ever-Expanding Multiverse"). Due to this, we have learned so much more about ET civilizations, both in the past and in the presence. Others, like George LoBuono, who wrote "Alien Mind", also use neurosensing to connect and interact with extraterrestrial beings.

This may sound like science fiction to many people, but I have interacted with this group, read a lot of material over the last year related to these subjects, and to me it is now almost routine, and I sometimes find myself thinking that amazingly enough, almost nobody on this planet knows that this is happening! It's in order to be skeptical about all this, and so was I--for a long time-- until I had read so much astonishing material and connected the dots, that there were no longer any doubts in my mind that this is actually going on. In the sections, "Present and Future Challenges" and "Soulutions", I will go into much more details about this group, how things are connected out there in the Multiverse, and what I know so far about what is going on here on Earth and in Earth near space.

The following story about how the Ša.A.M.i. were created was told me by Dr. A.R. Bordon from the Life Physics Group California:

Some 4.2-4.5 billion years ago up to about 6 billion years ago (or longer; the time frame is uncertain), life was seeded on a planet which orbited Sirius C, which then was a bright, hot, blue star, probably of spectral class B (a blue star/sun). This planet is the same one we today call Nibiru. It was surrounded by 11-12 satellites (moons)[2a] and the planet itself is about 6 times the size of Earth. As we have discussed in a previous paper, life doesn't magically appear in the universe; it is seeded, or "panspermed", which is the technical term for it.

Nibiru/Ša.A.M.e.[*] was panspermed by an older race from a neighboring star system. We know this to be true, but who really did it is still not totally clear. There are a few theories, though, built on information gathered by contacts with different ET groups, so I am going to be flexible here and give a couple of theories. This murky area needs some more research, though, and there is just a matter of time before we will know. I will eventually write an update.

The first theory (as given to me by Dr. Bordon) is that the Nibiruans were panspermed by a race known in UFO circles as the "Tall Whites"[3]. This humanoid ET group, 5.7 - 9 feet tall, with snow-white hair, almond shaped, oval eyes and white skin, are still here on Earth, occupying a base in the Nevada Desert, close to Nellis Airforce Base (AFB). They have hinted that they come from a star system close to Arcturus.

A second, and perhaps more likely one, is that the Ša.A.M.i. were created from had been genetically engineered by the Lyrans, just like we were to begin with. What speaks in favor of this theory is that they look very similar to how the Lyrans are normally depicted; Caucasian looking, much taller than today's humans, and the men almost always had full beards, sometimes braded, and the men also often had long hair. We are now talking about the species which is most commonly depicted in Sumerian cuneiform, but I have reason to believe that by the time the Ša.A.M.i. visited Earth, they were a mix of more than one species, working in unison. At least one of these other species was Reptilian.

A third theory is that the Ša.A.M.i. is just a subgroup of the Lyrans, who developed on their own, without much intervention with their Lyran brothers and sisters. They created their own reality, became conquers of their own and teamed up with whomever they wanted. In this version we are going to use the Tall Whites (TWs) are their creator gods until we can get that confirmed or not. The way the TWs look, we can see they are also originating from Lyra.

Perhaps 2-3 billion years after Nibiru had been seeded and intelligent life forms had developed on the planet, the Ša.A.M.i. noticed that Sirius C was becoming unstable and would soon turn into a nova. When this happened, it would wipe out all life on the planet.

If we use the Bordon's version (some of it which he got from the Ša.A.M.i. themselves, by the way), what the TWs did was to speed up the evolution on Nibiru, so that the humanoid species they had seeded with their own DNA (and DNA from other more primitive species) could become advanced enough to space travel and perhaps be able to leave the star system before the inevitable catastrophe.

3. One Catastrophe After Another

According to LPG-C, not too long before Sirius C became a nova, the Ša.A.M.i. were turned into a Civilization Type 1[*] with help from the TWs, in order for the Ša.A.M.i. to survive the upcoming catastrophe. The Nibiruans were taught how to control the energy resources of their giant planet, and also how to control earthquakes, weather changes, and energy resources. In addition, they learned about genetic engineering and manipulation of DNA. This showed to be vital for their survival, because if they were not at least a Type 1 Civilization at the time for the catastrophe, the whole species would have been extinct when the planet was engulfed by the red giant, which is the next step in a star's development after the nova stage. The red giant would have absorbed Nibiru and burned it to ashes, something that probably happened to the other planets in the Sirius C system, if there were any.

I am still gathering information on what exactly happened next, but it seems that for some reason or another, the Ša.A.M.i. went to war against the Tall Whites, their own creator gods and they defeated the TWs and won the war. What I heard was that the conflict is still unresolved, and the Ša.A.M.i. and the Tall Whites are still enemies, although they are no longer openly fighting each other.

The Ša.A.M.e. civilization peeked around 36,000 years (or 10 šars[*]) before the catastrophe happened about 4.2 to 4.5 billion years ago Sirius C then turned nova, became a red giant and a few million years later retracted into a white dwarf star. However, well before that, Nibiru was catapulted out of its orbit, probably due to the instability of its sun, or perhaps also with the help of technology.

The Ša.A.M.i. were prepared, though, and had moved underground after had been taught by the TWs how to handle energy, which means they knew how to keep a tolerable temperature to stay alive. It is my understanding that they knew how to tame the energy stemming from the planetary core and could use that energy as a "second sun" and thus get the heat they needed from inside their planet instead from the outside sun. Eventually, they were also able to create an artificial atmosphere, using gold as one of the components, so they could start living on the rocky, desert-like surface on the only existing continent on Nibiru[4]. Gold works as a conductor, and if heat is emitting from the center of the planet and gold can be spread into the atmosphere, that heat "bounces back" and can be used to heat up the surface of the planet so it can again be inhabitable.

Nibiru was catapulted out of its orbit with such a force that it lost its connection with the gravity of the Sirius solar system and aimed for deep space. Their old star system disappeared in the distance forever; Nibiru was never to return to Sirius again.

After thousands, or more possibly, millions of years on a steady course through deep space, Nibiru, the "Red Planet" with its 11 satellites was drawn into our own young solar system, 8.6 light-years away from Sirius, by the gravity from Neptune. It entered the solar system in retrograde, from an angle, came in from the south and headed towards another giant planet in our own solar system, Tiamat, located between today's Mars and Jupiter. Earth, at this time, was not even created. One of Nibiru's satellites hit Tiamat and split it in half before the Red Planet left the solar system and continued its journey back into deep space. However, Nibiru had now become a member of our solar system, but was on a much longer, highly elliptic orbit, and only returned to our immediate solar system every 3.600 years, give or take ~70 years.

Both Bordon and Sitchin tell us that Tiamat was destroyed this way, while all metaphysical sources, independent of each other that I've listened to, are saying that Tiamat and Mars were populated long after Earth was created. Most sources, besides the two above, say that Tiamat was destroyed by those who lived on the planet, from misuse of energy, and not because of a collision between the planet and Nibiru's moons. However, for our purpose, we are for now sticking with Sitchin's version.

So, one šar later, the newly adopted planet came back and hit the same spot again. This time it split one of the halves of Tiamat into pieces, which thereafter became the asteroid belt. The other half of Tiamat was thrown out of orbit from the impact and came closer to the Sun. This damaged planet became Earth. We can, allegedly, still see evidence of the impact from Nibiru's satellite when our planet was split in half, in the Pacific Ocean.

Once again, Nibiru left the solar system for another šar, leaving Earth to its fate.

What happened next is what was described in my previous paper, "Human Origins and the Living Library". After Earth had been seeded by the Founders and eventually the Vegans and the Lyrans continued where the Founders left off. The Pleiadians tell us more about the variety of creator gods and other alien races existing simultaneously on the planet, creating their own civilizations side by side on another CD I listened to. They say that some of these were developed in Russia and even in the Arctic and Antarctica, which were then not cover with ice but had forests and lakes due to that the polar regions were located differently from now[5], There are still remnants of these millions of years old civilizations to be found under the icecaps; both buildings and skeletons of giants and other, to us unfamiliar species. Some of the civilizations were run by both Lyrans, Vegans and Pleiadians (who in fact were a subgroup of the Lyrans). Due to wars and misuse of technology, these early civilizations died out and are buried under water, ice and land, and creation to some extent had to start all over again.

At the time when the Neanderthals and homo erectus walked the Earth, our planet was still monitored by Lyrans, Pleiadians, and others, but apparently on a skeleton crew. Eventually, as told in my previous paper, the Lyrans and the Pleiadians were run off the planet and the solar system as a direct consequence of an atomic war, which was won by the Ša.A.M.i. group.

This early part of Earth history is missing in Sitchin's writings, which I believe is due to that the Ša.A.M.i. and their subgroup, the Anunnaki, destroyed these records and changed history to their favor. They had no wish to tell mankind that they had run off their real creator gods with atomic bombs; they wanted to make us believe that the Anunnaki themselves were our creators.

Now we are ready to let Sitchin take over, here presented in a condensed form by myself with help from Sitchin's original books and Dr. Sasha Lessin and his own condensed version, "Enki Speaks"...

4. In the Days of Old, In the Days of Gold...

As usual, there were conflicts happening on Nibiru, and 450,000 years ago, their present King, Alalu, was deposed by his nephew, the new King, whose name was Anu, Alalu's cup bearer. At the same time, Nibiru became depleted of gold in the atmosphere, and their inhabitants were also preparing for space travel again to find a planet which could provide them with the precious metal. If they couldn't find any to pump into their atmosphere, it would erode; a process that had already started. Apparently, they used gold because it's an excellent conductor, and because they no longer had a sun to warm up the planet (except for a very short time every 3,600 years, when their planet enters our solar system), they could use this precious metal to warm up the atmosphere, probably by using the heat that was emitting from the core of the planet.

However, there was a problem. The average lifespan of a Ša.A.M.i. is a little over 100 šars (360,000 - 420,000 earth-years), taking into account that they stay on their own planet, but their lifespan could be extended much more than that with the help of technology, which I will cover later. As explained in Physics Paper #2: "Known Life Forms Within the Milky Way and Beyond" (2011), when we are born, we are indexed into the planet we incarnate to and are subjected to their sense of time, which is different on different worlds. Here on Earth, we are indexed to live 70-120 years (at the most), while on Nibiru it's 360,000 years. Every species we know of in the galaxy and beyond are working on extending their lifespan as part of their evolvement, and once the technique is found (usually through the above mentioned nano-technology), a species can extend their lives considerably[6]. The Ša.A.M.i. also were capable of using nano-technology and could extend their lives up to perhaps a couple of million years, or close to it. However, just like here on Earth, on Nibiru there were people, more or less fortunate. The Kings and those of royal bloodline could choose to use nano-tech if they wanted to (apparently not everybody did), and live almost "forever", in our terms. But the average worker was normally not allowed to use it, perhaps because of population control, Still, as soon as they leave their planet, their lifespan shortens quite drastically, because they are no longer subjected to the same time indexing as on their own planet. If a species has a short lifespan, as humans do, we could gain from leaving Earth, but in the case of the Ša.A.M.i., it was the opposite.

The solution again, was gold! This species uses nano-technology while on-planet and monatomic gold when off-planet to keep themselves relatively young. Apparently, it doesn't totally do the trick, but the shortening in longevity is marginal if using gold when space-faring. So, in other words, the Ša.A.M.i. were needing gold, both for their depleted atmosphere and for space travel.

This was the situation when Alalu (Al-Al) was overthrown and decided to flee from Nibiru. The opportunity came when Nibiru entered our solar system and came closest to Earth. Although he knew his life was going to be much shorter on Earth, he would probably stand the chance to live longer on Earth than on his home planet, if they were out to kill him or force him to commit suicide.

Alalu stole a rocket ship filled with nuclear weapons and headed for Earth. He landed on the virgin-like planet and found it beautiful to the extreme; deep forests, high mountains, mighty oceans, rich on animal life and plenty of all imaginable resources. Still, he chose to land in a rocky desert because that's what he was used to from his own rocky, desert-like home planet.

When he noticed he wasn't followed, he relaxed and started exploring his environment more carefully, and one day he found gold other minerals--in abundance! He immediately realized that Earth could be the solution to all their urgent, pressing problems!

This was exactly what he needed. He hurried and pointed the nuclear weapons towards Nibiru and told King Anu that there was a lot of gold on Earth (Ki), and if Alalu did not get his throne back, the Nibiruans could kiss goodbye to both their planet and the Earth's resources[7]. The deposed king felt satisfied with himself and withdrew to await an answer.

The answer came eventually. Anu decided to send his first son, Ea (meaning "He Whose Home is Waters"), to Earth together with 50 male astronauts and scientists to find out if Alalu spoke the truth. Ea's pilot, Anzu, steered their šem[*] through the asteroid belt and had to use an advanced form of water canons to shoot rocks out of the way so the spaceship wasn't hit. In fact, they used more than was expected and got depleted of water before they reached Earth.

They knew there was water on Mars, so they made a middle-landing there to fill up the resources. At this time, Mars had an atmosphere and plenty of water as well. The atmosphere was too thin for breathing, though, so they had to wear helmets when entering the planet's surface.

Well loaded, the team once again set their course towards Earth. The thought of finding gold was driving them on their mission; without it their whole civilization was threatened.

Soon, Ea's rocket ship entered Earth's atmosphere and splashed into the Persian Gulf. Alalu was there and helped them ashore.

Ea and his team found that Alalu had spoken the truth, so they started powdering the gold into fine dust and found that it was certainly good enough to fill their purposes; it could be used both to save Nibiru and for maintaining longevity during space travel. The Nibirans, on Anu's directives, ordered the team to send it up to the planet in Alalu's ship, so they could, via contrails, spread the gold through the atmosphere. Ea complied. But before he sent the first load of gold, he removed the nuclear missiles from Alalu's ship and hid them in a cave in the African Great Lakes area with the assistance of Abgal, whom he trusted. There were seven missiles, which were later used to nuke Sodom and Gomorra and the Sinai Spaceport.

Anzu, Ea's pilot, objected and said that during their trip to Earth, by using water canons, they almost killed the engine, and the nuclear weapons were needed for the trip through the asteroid belt. Ea got aggravated and replaced Anzu as interplanetary pilot with Abgal, who was willing to follow Ea's directives and returned to Nibiru in Alalu's spaceship, without the nukes.

The mission had been successful; the Nibiruan scientists managed to refine the gold even more once it was returned to the home planet, and it was extracted into the atmosphere with desired results. Anu was pleased and left Ea and his crew on Earth, while Nibiru left the solar system for yet another long, elliptic journey before the planet once again entered our solar system after one šar. The Ša.A.M.i. who stayed on Earth, and those who followed, became known as the Anunnaki (Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came) by the Sumerians, and are the Fallen Angels of the Hebrew Bible, says Sitchin. The ones who stayed on the home planet Nibiru are equivalent to the Biblical Elohim.

When Nibiru finally returned, the planet's atmosphere was once again almost depleted of gold, and to their disappointment they noticed that Ea hadn't been able to collect very much new gold on Earth. However, it was enough to once again fill the atmosphere.

Ea decided to make another flight over the planet and suddenly found gold in south-east Africa; lots of it. He was very excited when he announced this to the home planet.

(Ea must have been quite lazy, or caught up in something he thought was more important than to provide his home planet with life-sustaining gold, or he would have come up with this idea earlier and been able to find the solution well in time before Nibiru's next passing, and not after the fact that Nibiru returned, finding himself almost empty-handed. Or perhaps, for some reason he didn't have access to the equivalent to a shuttle or an airplane while left alone with his crew on Earth. It's hard to believe that's the case, though).

Nammur, Ea's half-brother and Anu's second son, was angry and jealous that Ea was assigned the Earth mission, and when he heard the news that his brother had found huge veins of gold, he questioned it. He said that Ea had promised a lot of gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf, and look; the source was depleted almost immediately! Nammur wanted proof, not only of gold, but the abundance of it.

Anu agreed, and sent his second-born down to Earth to see for himself. He found that indeed there was probably enough gold in Africa to save the planet, something Nammur had to admit. Ea and Nammur had always been competitors, and both wanted to be in charge of the Earth mission, so the former played a trick on Ea and Anu. He sent a message up to his father on Nibiru that he, Nammur, needed to be in charge of this mining project, and Ea should work under him. Besides, Alalu started getting restless down on Earth and had started ranting about being King of both Nibiru and Earth.

This message made King Anu come down to Earth in an effort to resolve the issues (this was not the last time he had to resolve conflicts between the two competing half-brothers). He found Ea and Nammur in dispute with each other, so King Anu decided to draw lots, and Nammur won. Discouraged, Ea was sent to South Africa to start the mining, no longer in charge, and he brought his team of Anunnaki with him. This happened 416,000 years ago.

Edin (Mesopotamia) was assigned to Nammur, who now earned the title, the EN.LIL, "Lord [of] Command", while Ea was granted the oceans as his domain and put to govern Abzu (Southeast Africa), becoming in charge of the mining project. Nammur was the one who gave Ea the title, the EN.KI, "Lord [of] Earth. Much later, in Greece and Rome, Ea became known as Neptune and Poseidon, respectively. The Enlil became Zeus and Jupiter, respectively.

(As a side note: We still can find many hints of the Anunnaki influence on our language. One of them being Enki (Lord of Earth) falling back on Ea, which most possibly gave the name to our planet, EArth).

Next thing King Anu had to deal with was the former King Alalu. Anu confronted the old king and they started wrestling. Anu was the younger and stronger one, and put his foot on Alalu's chest while he was lying on the ground; a sign of victory[7a]. However, when Anu let go, Alalu bit off Anu's manhood as a last revenge. This is something the Anunnaki gods do as a principle, it appears. Often, when they defeat each other in battle, they cut off each others manhood and throw it away so that person can't reproduce anymore. It's apparently in an attempt to stop that certain bloodline from producing more of themselves. By doing this, the gods eliminate the threat that the defeated person's future sons come back and take revenge, but it's also a sign of power. However, the story doesn't tell why Alalu had been out of the picture for so long; he threatened to nuke his home planet if he wasn't getting his throne back, but when Ea came down to check it out, he took over and started delivering gold to Nibiru. (Not a word about what Alalu did in the meantime. Perhaps it's just clay tablets missing).

Anu immediately got first aid and his manhood could be sewed back in place again. When Anu recovered, he was furious and deported Alalu to Mars, together with his former pilot, Anzu, whom Ea had fired. For unknown reasons, biting off someone else's manhood could lead to death; some suggest from some kind of poisoning effect.[7b]

However, Alalu survived, being saved by the crew who were supposed to leave him dying on Mars. The old king recovered and survived.

Anu, now back on Nibiru, decided to create space stations in the solar system, on Mars and the Earth Moon, which was the lost moon of Nibiru when it first hit Tiamat[7c]. He also said that if Alalu was alive, he should be allowed to start a colony on Mars.

Anu sent his daughter Ninmah with a crew of female health officers to Earth, but were asked to middle-land on Mars to check out the situation there. They found both Alalu and Anzu dead, but they managed to revive Anzu with advanced medical equipment and knowledge. Alalu, to this day, is buried on Mars[7d].

After all, Alalu had been King of Ša.A.M.e./Nibiru, so to commemorate Alalu, Ninmah and Anzu let carve out his face on the great mountain Cyndonia. They depicted him wearing an eagle-helmet. Ea later married Damkina, who was Alalu's daughter, and their offspring was Marduk, who had a great influence on humankind, often in not so favorable manners.

Before Ninmah left Mars, she gave Anzu twenty of her people to build the first way station for the gold freighters[8].

5. The Unsettling Settlers

Ea and Nammur, as we've mentioned, were half-brothers. Ea was the eldest, born from Anu's first marriage, while Nammur, the Enlil, was born from a marriage between Anu and Antu. Ninmah, on the other hand, was born out of a third relationship Anu had, and was thus half-sister with both Nammur and Ea.

Anu had early decided that Ea and Ninmah should become spouses so that their offspring could be the legal heir. However, Nammur took advantage of the situation and seduced Ninmah, who gave birth to Ninurta. This was extremely aggravating to Anu; he was furious, but couldn't do much about it, except forbidding Ea and Ninmah to be spouses after this incident, and instead Damkina was chosen for Ea.

When Ninmah and her crew of nurses and health officers landed on Earth, the Enlil once again tried to seduce her, but failed in the attempt. He promised her everything she needed for her project to be a success, but she refused to have sex with him again. Instead, much as a revenge, it seems, Nammur raped Sud, one of Ninmah's beautiful nurses, an incident which had some bad repercussions.

So, Anu was furious, and Ea was as well, understandably so. He felt his brother had taken advantage of the situation to guarantee a heir of his direct bloodline on the throne. This was just one of many incidences causing conflicts between the two half-brothers. This conflict goes on up until today, as both of them are still alive.

Before fifty of the Anunnaki, Nammur was punished for rape by being exiled from the cities. Nammur left today's Lebanon together with Abgal, who became his pilot. However, unbeknownst to everybody, Abgal was the man who had seen Ea hide Alalu's missiles!

Abgal and the Enlil left for Africa, but on their way there, Abgal secretly landed outside the cave where he and Ea had hidden the nuclear missiles, and showed these to Nammur, thus betraying Ea to side with his younger brother. Nammur and Abgal kept their knowledge secret, and Nammur decided he could potentially use the weapons if needed in the future to gain power.

Now, the Enlil again approached Sud, whom he raped, and asked her to marry him, mostly to regain his status, I would presume. Sud said she'd only marry him if he made her his royal wife, and so he did. She became Ninlil, "Lady [of] Command".

Just like Nammur had foreseen, he was pardoned and the marriage took place, where after Nammur could return to Lebanon. He was very pleased, because his status was now even strengthened, he knew where the nukes were, and he got a royal wife, who bore him a son, Nannar, the first Anunnaki born on Earth. Their second child was Adad. Nannar, however, is going to be a major character in our drama as we eventually come up to present time.

Ninmah, who forgave Nammur when he married Sud/Ninlil, could now, with King Anu's blessing, start interacting with Ea again. The two met in Edin, and Ea made her pregnant. He told Ninmah to give him a son, but she gave him a daughter. They tried again and again, but daughters were all they got, one after the other.

Ea comforted himself in his despair over the fact that he couldn't get a son by flying Ereshkigal, Nammur's son's daughter, to Cape Agulhas on the tip of South Africa, and seduced her. She brought him his first son, Ningishzidda (Thoth), and Ereshkigal took command over the Monitoring Station on Cape Agulhas. Further, she bore him a second son, Nergal, who was bold and limping from birth, and was in charge to run the mining operations in South Africa. Ningishzidda, on the other hand, had a foot in each camp; the Enkiites and the Enlilites, because both brother's blood ran through his veins, and he supported them both over time.

When Ninmah refused to let Ea impregnate her anymore, Ea sent for his wife and son on Nibiru, Damkina and Marduk. On Earth, Ea and Damkina started to beget Ea's own clan, the Enkiites, whereof Marduk, Ea's firstborn, and his earth-born half-brothers, Nergal, Gibil, Dumuzi and Ninagal, became the first members.

Nammur, the Enlil, also begat his own clan with his wife Sud/Ninlil. They had two sons together; Nannar and Adad, whom reinforced him and his eldest son with Ninmah, Ninurta, in their conflicts with the Enkiites.

If we stop here in the story for a moment, we notice that the gods were pretty promiscuous, and seldom stuck to one woman or wife. The same went for the women. They all slept around with each other, and incest and inbreeding was the game of the day to strengthen their position in the hierarchies. All these beings mentioned so far, besides the Anunnaki who worked in the gold mines, were young royalties; spoiled, power-hungry and arrogant. After have read most of Sitchin's books and other author's work on the subject, I can't help but think about them as big, spoiled children, playing with fire. They may have been brilliant in many ways, but it seems to me they were bored as well, and created games that sometimes had some pretty serious and nasty consequences, as we shall see.

Dr. Sasha Lessin, in his essay, "Enki Speaks"[9], summarizes Nammur's achievements as follows:

By 400,000 years ago, Enlil had built seven Mission Centers in Mesopotamia. The centers: Sippar the Spaceport; Nippur, Mission Control; Badtibira, Metallurgical Center; Shurupak, Med Center. He build his communication center, the DUR.AN.KI--the Bond Heaven-Earth [also Navel of the Earth], a dimly lit chamber essential for talk with rockets en route between Nibiru and Earth, at Nippur [Sitchin, Z., The End of Days, page 6]. In years to follow, Nibirans and the slaves they drafted will war for the Duranki. After the Deluge, 13,000 years ago, Enlil will relocate the Duranki to Jerusalem [Sitchin, Z., The End of Days, page15][10]

Up on Mars, Anzu, who was the kinsman of the deceased former King Alalu, and his 300 hundred colonists, the Igigi, now started a shuttle service, which brought the gold, transported from Africa to Mesopotamia, back to Nibiru. There it was pumped out in the atmosphere, and the planet was slowly healing.

However, the Igigi were not satisfied with the deal. They thought they had to work too hard, and they wanted more of the fruit that Ninmah grew, which made the eater euphoric, and they had other demands as well.

Anu sent them to Earth to talk to Nammur, who was in charge down here. Reluctantly, Nammur granted them a visit at Nippur, his Capitol. However, while Nammur undressed, Anzu stole the key to the control room (a kind of computer crystal) and ran away. With this power tool, he now illegally claimed ownership of both Earth and Nibiru, and the Igigi stood behind him. This was also a perfect way to take revenge on Anzu's kinsman, Alalu, he thought. To escape, Anzu forced Nammur's pilot, Abgal, to take him back to the spaceport, Shurupak.

Ninurta, Nammur's eldest son, took action and hunted Anzu down. He defeated him in an air battle and shot down his shuttle, where after he dragged Anzu before Nammur and freed Abgal.

The Seven Who Judged (Ea, Damkina/Ninki, Marduk, Nannar, Nammur, Ninmah, and Ninurta) sentenced Anzu to death and Ninurta was given the task to execute him, which he did.

The matters became more complicated when it showed that Nannar, Nammur's legal heir, had led the conspiracy against his own father to challenge his half-brother, Ninurta for Command of Earth. When Nammur found out, he expelled Nannar from Ur, and Ninurta's position was strengthened, because Nannar was forced (something that was decided by the Nibiruan Council) to honor Ninurta as the Enlil's successor on Earth. Nammur, to make sure Ninurta obeyed and felt gratitude towards him, gave Ninurta a fifty-headed missile out of Ea's "hidden" Alalu collection. Ninurta was pleased and satisfied, and then enforced the gold extraction process and continued the shipping of gold to Nibiru.

But was Nannar really behind the plot against Ninurta, or was he just a pawn (although an agreeable one) for someone else? Dr. Lessin, with Sitchin's help, makes a quite plausible suggestion:

Sitchin shows that Ea, allied through his marriage to Alalu's daughter Damkina and their son Marduk to the Alalu's lineage (matrifiliated), was part of the plot. "It was with Ea's connivance" that Anzu, kinsman of Alalu, is admitted to Enlil's inner sanctuary for energy source crystals, vital computer chips, orbital data panels, and control buttons for Earth and Earth-Nibiru, Mars communication. Ea suggested Enlil entertain Anzu as a stall to responding to the demands of the Igigi.

Sitchin, in The 12th Planet had earlier said the role of Anzu in The Lost Book of Enki's account of the revolt of the Igigi [pages 117 - 121] was actually the role of Nannar (Enlil's son by his half-sister and legal wife, Sud) was Legal Heir on Earth. Nannar's was a challenge to Ninurta (Enlil's Firstborn and heir on Nibiru) to succeed to Enlil's command of Earth. In The Wars of Gods and Men, too, Anzu, the leader of the revolt is a descendent of Alulu (his grandson); in this version Anzu's an orphan adopted by the Mars Service, rather than Anzu the pilot who took Ea to Earth and stayed on Mars to die with Alalu [page 97].

Both Nannar and Ea would have benefited if Anzu vanquished Ninurta. But it was Nannar, not Ea, that Enlil exiled in the aftermath of the Igigi revolt. [The 12th Planet, pages 107 -116].

Anthropologists will recognize Enki's description as a classical system of segmentary patrilineal (agnatic) lineages. In segmentary patrilineages, collateral lines (like those that descend from Ea and Enlil) cite alliance through different mothers to other royal patrilineages. The Ea lineage within the Anu clan, and especially the Marduk line of the Ea's lineage, is allied with the Alalu clan for leverage against the Enlilites within the Anu clan). Marduk's line is a matrifiliate of Alalu's clan. Matrifiliated alliances give lineages external allies as they vie for precedence in authority within their patricians[11].

So, Nammur had in his way defeated the Enkiites' revolt, and armed with all these missiles, he felt quite powerful, and while Nammur was intimidating the miners in South Africa with his nuclear power, Ea was now supposed to supervise them.

The Enlil was a much harsher leader than Ea, the Enki, and the miners' conditions worsened considerably under Nammur's ultimate leadership, and when the mining in Southeast Africa had continued for 144,000 years, the workers in the mines started feeling pretty upset about their conditions.

On another account, Marduk emphasized with the Igigi on Mars, whom he said got almost no elixir, and had no spaceport on Earth they were allowed to use. They were treated less than decent. The Enlil, however, was more stern about it, and told Marduk to go to Mars and take Anzu's body with him to have it buried there, and this was meant to play out as a symbol for what happens to those who go against Lord Nammur!

Ea was discouraged by the situation and felt he needed to do something. So he left the supervision of the mining project to foreman Ennugi, and went to what is today known as Zimbabwe together with Ningishzidda, his eldest son, and set up a laboratory to study the already existing species on Earth.

Ea, a famous, ingenious scientist and geneticist on Nibiru, was fascinated over what he saw. He was especially interested in the apemen, whom had been spotted all over the planet. More fascinating was their sympathy for other animals; in fact, the apemen often freed the animals which were caught in Anunnaki traps. He liked their strong emotions and their similarities in genetic setup to the Nibiruans themselves.

6. Nuclear War, Some 300,000 Years Ago

As a side note (this is not in Sitchin's books): Around this same time, the Lyrans and the Earth-Lyrans were working on the Living Library. They knew that the Anunnaki had built their bases on the planet, and they just stayed away from them. Apparently, the Anunnaki had a bad reputation amongst the Lyrans[12]. On the other hand, the latter knew this galaxy is an experiment in "free will", and that they couldn't really stop the Ša.A.M.i. from landing here and establish bases. However, the Lyrans were protective regarding the Living Library Project, and while working on the side, they probably kept an eye on the Anunnaki, they continued their project. The Anunnaki must have been well aware of the Lyran presence.

In South Africa, the miners complained that Ennugi treated them too harshly, and when Ennugi brought up the issue with Ea, the latter sided with the miners. Knowing more about how these two half-brothers, Ea and Nammur thought, we can pretty well understand the plot that took shape in Ea's head. He contacted the miners and had their leaders conspire with him. He wanted them to continue nagging and complaining to bring Nammur's attention, so that Ea could introduce a solution[13]; a new species! The miners were more than happy to go with Ea's suggestion.

When the miners started acting out, the Enlil was called upon the scene, and Ea returned from Zimbabwe. In Nammur's presence, the miners put their mining tools on fire, backstabbed and even took Ennugi as hostage, crying out how horrible their situation was. Many of them left the mines, headed for Nammur's base, and surrounded it.

The situation got out of hand, so Nammur called for King Anu to resolve the situation. Nammur was furious and wanted the revolting leaders executed, and with them, Ea as well, because he hadn't been able to keep them in check.

Anu arrived at the scene and evaluated the situation and sided with the miners. He thought they were inhumanely treated, and that something needed to change.

Ea told Ningishzidda that they should create a Lulu, a primitive worker, to do the miners' job. These beings already existed, and all they had to do was to mix their genes with theirs, "like two serpents entwined" (double helix DNA), and they would have the perfect hybrids to do the job! That way, the Anunnaki workers in the Abuzu (Africa) could be relieved once and for all[16].

Nammur, on the other hand, when been informed about the project, objected to it. He said that slavery was since long abandoned on Nibiru, and should not be re-introduced on Earth, and Ninurta added that they should make machines to do the work, not hybrid slaves (this is quite ironic, because from our perspective, the Anunnaki miners were no more than slaves themselves, as were the Igigi on Mars). Ea emphasized that they should be "helpers", not slaves. Nammur disagreed, saying that creating hybrids were forbidden by law on Nibiru, but Ea tried to bypass this by pointing out that the apeman DNA was very similar to their own and have to come from the same, original genes way back in time. All he was doing was to speed up their evolvement by adding more of the SAM DNA.

The issue was brought before Anu's Council, and after both sides had had their say, the Council voted in Ea's favor. They said they had to change the rules to save Nibiru, and if this is what it takes, so be it! Ea, to his great satisfaction, got free hands.

Ea's research team were now working full speed to create an improved human race, but had some failures in the process, which created quite a few strange looking creatures.

In the meantime, the Lyrans saw what was coming and decided to interfere with the process. They did not want homo erectus to be tampered with by the Anunnaki, as it interfered with their plans for the Living Library. The Earth-Lyrans left Earth and eventually found a new home in the Pleiades. A war broke out on Earth between the two species of creator gods; the Lyrans and the Anunnaki, a war which ended in a nuclear disaster[16], after the Anunnaki had used some of the hidden nuclear weapons to defeat the old owners of the planet. This left parts of the world deserted[17], which was followed by a nuclear disaster. Evidence of this, and other nuclear wars in the past, have been found in the deeper layers of the Earth's surface[18].

Just like the Ša.A.M.i. had defeated the Tall Whites in their ancient past, the Anunnaki now defeated these creator gods as well, and those who survived fled from the planet, back to Lyra. However, some of the Pleiadians came back to Earth later and started working with the Anunnaki instead with their new seeding project, and the renegade group, which is currently channeled through Barbara Marciniak, are doing so to take care of their karma from have done so. They consider Ea being their ancestor[19], which can be explained by Ea have had sexual relationships with Pleiadian females on the side; something that happened a lot among the gods, as we have seen already. Many of them are not exactly monogamous, but very sexual and can thus be quite promiscuous.

After the destruction created by the atomic war, Earth now had new owners; the Anunnaki had just conquered a new world and expanded their Empire with new real estate. But the Original Planners had not given up on Earth; the Lyrans and later on, a renegade Pleiadian group, were determined to continue their Living Library experiment in the future and have since then monitored the situation, in wait for the time when we humans will be able to activate our DNA and evolve, and thus escape from their oppressors. This time has now come...

Source :

Understanding the Amrita, the Elixir of Immortality

The Elixir of Immortality, or the Tree of Life, as it’s often called as well, is a mix of two things—gold and the menstrual blood of the Mother Goddess. In the extremely old legend, this Elixir was called Soma in Orion language, but is known as Amrita in the Vedic texts.

Gold is said to be used by the gods, mainly for two things—either to enhance the atmosphere on certain planets (particularly those that the AIF uses in combat—the hollowed-out planets,) or to enhance the life of the AIF’s bodies. There are those who have seen the AIF snort gold like cocaine or heroin, appearing as if they were addicted to the substance. Gold, however, does not give a being immortality—it “only” prolongs the being’s life with a few million years or so, if it is inhaled regularly. This is only used when there is no access to Soma.

In ancient times, before the Earth was even born, the Queen of the Stars kept Her Soma very hidden. Only those who really deserved it could have it, and it was not restricted to Her own royal bloodline—She shared it with everyday people, too, if She considered it appropriate. There was even a time when She decided to share it with everybody, but she noticed that there were certain personalities who never learned and created havoc wherever they went. Hence, She only distributed it to a few selected beings—I believe not even received it from his mother.

Unfortunately, an unknown quantity of Soma was stolen from the Queen by someone, or a band of beings, and the liquid later came into the hand of the AIF. There was not enough to give out to everybody, so in Lucifer’s hierarchy, only his most trusted men got some of it.

Source :

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

CERN, and the Osiris Stargate device connection

CERN And The War On Consciousness

by Michelle Walling, CHLC

As usual, the majority of humanity has no idea of the true threat of CERN and how it is trying to be used in the Draco/Annunaki’s war on human consciousness. The mainstream media is diligently programming humanity to assure them that the investment of billions of dollars for a particle accelerator is necessary in order to advance scientific knowledge of our origins out of dark matter. What we are really facing is a final attempt by the madmen behind the curtain to reset the world in a hit and run scenario.

What is CERN?

Who wouldn’t want to know what the “God code” really is? The Large Hadron Collider. a.k.a. CERN. is supposed to be able to recreate the split second after the Big Bang in order to “study” the origins of our Universe. The carrot dangled to the human population is that they want to study the beginning of time in order to know how we were created. The truth is that they are trying to play God and they do not have humanity’s best interests in mind.

Here is a video which shows how CERN works with the false light grid that has been set up all over the planet. This video also shows how the acceptance of CERN has been subliminally advertised by the media for public acceptance:

CERN was turned on to 75% capacity on December 21st, 2012 and was forced offline due to technical issues. Isn’t it interesting that that was the New Age planned day of ascension? There were reports all over the area of being able to see “demons” and other beings of another realm at its highest capacity. They have been working for over two years now to get CERN back online.

CERN is scheduled to start its faster levels of firing stages again on Friday the 13th of this month, and subsequently will be ramped up during the Spring Equinox March 20, 2015. Coincidentally at that time there will be a solar eclipse. Throughout history we have seen that equinoxes, solstices, new moons, and solar eclipses are used as powerful black magic ritual dates. With that being said, it is imperative to understand what CERN really is.

Here is what they want you to know, from CERN’s website:

“The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before the beams are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. The name CERN is derived from the acronym for the French ‘Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire’, or European Council for Nuclear Research, a provisional body founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class fundamental physics research organization in Europe. At that time, pure physics research concentrated on understanding the inside of the atom, hence the word ‘nuclear’.”

Did you catch that? Nuclear? That alone spells trouble, however the implications of this machine that they have built right under our noses is much worse than that. Did you know that the ideas for CERN actually began all the way back in 1949, and they began to officially start working on CERN in 1954, 61 years ago? Why is Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction placed outside of the entrance to the Hadron collider? Does “Hadron” have anything to do with Hades?

Check out this short video about Shiva, CERN, and the Osiris Stargate device connection:

Here is the 2014 update from the CERN newsletter about the upgrades they have completed:

“It’s almost two years to the day since the team in the CERN Control Centre switched off the beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at 7.24am on 14 February 2013, marking the end of the accelerator’s first three-year run. Hundreds of engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the laboratory’s accelerators and experiments in preparation for running the LHC at the higher energy. So what has the work achieved?

When the LHC restarts this year, the energy of particle collisions will be 13 TeV (or 6.5 TeV per beam) compared to 8 TeV (4 TeV per beam) in 2012. This higher energy will allow physicists to extend their searches for new particles and to check previously untestable theories.

To prepare the machine for this new energy frontier, 18 of the LHC’s 1232 superconducting dipole magnets, which steer particle beams around the accelerator, were replaced due to wear and tear. More than 10,000 electrical interconnections between dipole magnets were fitted with shunts – pieces of metal that act as an alternative path for the 11,000 amp current, saving the interconnection if there is a fault. The machine will operate at a higher voltage to run the higher energy beams, and has been fitted with new sets of radiation-resistant electronics. The vacuum system that keeps the beam pipe clear of stray molecules has been upgraded, and the cryogenics system for the LHC’s superconducting dipole magnets has been refurbished.

Bunches of protons in the accelerator will be separated in time by 25 nanoseconds compared to 50 nanoseconds. The LHC will thus deliver more particles per unit time, as well as more collisions, to the experiments. To prepare for the challenges of more collisions, the LHC experiments, including ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, underwent full consolidation and maintenance programmes, including upgrades to their subdetectors and data-acquisition systems.

The CERN IT department purchased and installed almost 60,000 new cores and over 100 petabytes of additional disk storage to cope with the increased amount of data that is expected from the experiments during run 2. Significant upgrades have also been made to the networking infrastructure, including the installation of new uninterruptible power supplies. When the LHC starts up again this spring, CERN’s accelerators and experiments will be ready.”

According to one of the top scientists in the field, Dr. Stephen Hawking, the acceleration of the God Particle could cause time and space to collapse! This would be a detriment to not only Earth but the whole Universe. I have to question how Dr. Hawking could make such a public statement while the presidents/kings/queens/czars of the world are doing nothing to stop it!

They even have gone as far as to create documentaries based on years of footage in order to sell the idea.

The pole shift

According to Goz Stone and “Lily Earthling”, the actual date of the pole shift on the planet was 56 BC. The Earth titled on its axis 23.4° and this caused the astral dimensions to be split off from the physical. The planet did this on her own because the Draco/Annunaki were trying to completely take over the planet and she knew of their plans to completely “zombify” humanity and to make us fully unconscious slaves.

When Earth shifted it closed the stargates and mis- aligned the grids. This also cut the Dracos off from using Earth as a source of energy from prime creator. It kept those already inside the quarantine from leaving the planet and it kept the Anunnaki from returning. Those that were trapped had no choice but to continue to use human bodies for their source of energy. Humans are connected to the planet and thus are connected to the Source. Without a connection to the planet and without an energy source, they would not be able to survive. Keep in mind that these beings wanted to take Earth completely for themselves and enslave all human beings at any cost, in a selfish and greedy plight for survival due to the consequences of their own free will choices.

The real war

We are currently reeling from the continued war on human consciousness and the control of physical bodies since 56 B.C.. Without the ability to keep humans in an unconscious state, humanity will be waking up to the fact that they have been enslaved and tricked by the archonic led Draco, Anunnaki, and reptilian members of the negative polarity snake family.

Earth has helped humans wake up and expand their consciousness. This started with the pole tilt and continues with higher frequencies of love coming from the planet, our sun, the Great Central Sun, and all the way to Source energy itself. The Draco family knows they have lost the battle for the planet and for survival through feeding off of humans. This will have a huge impact on the rest of their plans for a New World Order, which includes a one world religion, currency, and government. CERN is their last ditch effort and they are about to have all of their cards on the table.

My observations

From what I can tell, CERN could be being used to open a portal for escape either through creating an artificial stargate or by trying to shift the pole of the planet once again to line up the prior connection with the astral world and the stargates that once allowed travel through the underworld. One would think that if this super collider is successful in opening the gate to the underworld, that all hell would break loose.

Earth, however, is much more powerful than the false light creation and will not let this happen.

Non-consent and side effects

Is it a coincidence that one of the number one messages we have been getting from the other side of the veil is to use your DIS-CERN-MENT? Perhaps that message has a double meaning as we have a CON-CERN about bringing this thing online to its full nuclear particle accelerating potential.

The planet will not be allowed to be destroyed now just as it wasn’t allowed on December 21st of 2012. Just by having the awareness of what is happening and by using your galactic voting card (free will) to vote NO to CERN, we are standing in our rights as sovereign human beings to oppose the possible opening of the stargate that connects to the astral realms.

Some people, including myself, were extremely ill on December 21, 2012. The effects of CERN and the energies of the astral realm hit me like a ton of bricks to where I could not walk, crawl, or hardly move. I mention this not because I expect the same thing again, but I am bringing awareness to the final showdown that may last until 2017 (unless we quicken the end). I don’t feel like they will get a chance to turn the dial up as far as they did before, but actually they could already have been turning the dial up gradually.

If you are having some serious energetic problems, flu-like symptoms, and are drained of energy, it might have something to do with this serious so-called scientific experiment. The best thing you can do is to ground with the planet and practice more “earthing”, and to know that things will be improving as soon as they show their last card. Another thing you can do is to declare to the universe that you do not consent!

Astral dark matter light creation

Here is a video from BP Earthwatch about the explanation of the “dark matter” experiment CERN is attempting to define:

A light carrying particle is also a dark matter particle. This is similar to the extreme light and dark polarity we are seeing in our reality all over the world. It seems if they can impart mass to all other particles, they will be harnessing all of light creation. It sounds like pure dark magic to me in order to weaken the quarantine of the earth but to also find an escape path to the Universe as well as an entry path from the astral realm.

I will give you an analogy of this situation from my home state’s poker game. In this game of Texas Hold’em, the archons think they have a really good hand- a straight flush. However, Earth has the Royal flush and everyone’s all-in. Earth will either be flushing them right down the toilet, back to source or they can become space dust – dead energy particles static in space with no fuel left to get moving. Having information reduces the fear of these monsters that have gained our approval of what they are doing by trickery. Observe what is happening with faith in Earth and ourselves, and realize the power of what we are doing to change the outcome of this by connecting with the planet and staying out of fear. This is the true meaning of being in this world but not of it.

Source :

The Secret Time Start Device

Israel's struggle is an alien diversion - a façade that has been kept up for centuries.

Palestine's struggle is another alien diversion - a façade that has also been kept up for centuries.

The battle over Jerusalem is an alien diversion. It is now time to reveal this information. For a long, long time, The Earth has been regarded as insignificant in the scheme of things. Many see it as a place of schooling for the "soul", which is another alien deception.

The Vulturites and the Reptilians were once like family, but the "family" began bickering, and they broke off to form their own empires a long, long time ago. These are the two most formidable Anunnaki races in the Cosmos, and both are vying for supremacy over the other. All other alien groups are basically pawns, caught in the middle of the Reptilian/Vulturite struggle for power.

Before the schism occurred, the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite would re-start time whenever things got too far out of control. The place where this took place was on their home planet, Nibiru, which orbited a star called ZAOS. The Anunnaki Elite realized that their planet and star were in a precarious situation long before they were destroyed. Therefore, they re-located the time re-starting device (called atu-waa) to a very remote planet that had virtually no technology. That remote planet was Earth.

But for the re-location of the atu-waa to the Earth, this planet would still be an insignificant, primitive world. Before the Anunnaki Elite selected Earth for the atu-waa, the planet was an unimportant, disposable celestial body that was used as a dumping ground for alien convicts, space garbage, and other trash.

The Jews claim to be the chosen race of Jehovah, but what have they been chosen for? In reality, the first Jews were a special race, specifically "created" to perform a particular role for the Anunnaki. It would be very difficult to trace any of the original Jews today as many of them now are in bodies of other nationalities. A large proportion of them are amongst the ruling elite of the Earth. These can be Israelis, Scandinavians, Germans, Asians, Britons, Americans, Africans, Palestinians and other Arabs etc. The original Jews were of the Jewish essence - it had nothing whatsoever to do with bloodlines. They are more properly identified as Zionists.

Many Jews today claim to have rights to Palestine because they believe that their God, Jehovah, has given them the land. This right to this land is contested by many Palestinians, who believe that Allah has prepared the land for them. Many Jews and Palestinians passionately regard the land and many of its sites as holy. Many Christians also regard much of the land as holy. These irreconcilable claims have created very sensitive issues and have resulted in centuries of bloodshed over the land.

Sadly, the whole Jewish/Christian/Muslim conflict over Palestine was contrived by the Reptilian Anunnaki Elite a long time ago as a diversion to keep people from suspecting where the real important sites are in the Middle East. Jerusalem and Mecca are Anunnaki-chosen diversion spots to keep people's attention away from critical places east of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim Holy Land.

The ruling elite on Earth have been very harsh on any philosophies, thoughts, ideals, religions and other practices that originate from places now known as Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. This includes the persecution and distortion of Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism etc. This by no means indicates that all philosophical and religious thoughts that originate from these areas are of the True Light. The main reason that things from these areas are harshly resisted by the ruling elite is because of something else that they do not want anyone to focus upon.

Even today, on the physical level, all the problems surrounding these areas can be credibly explained away by socio-political-economic reasons. Petroleum is one of the main credible factors used to explain why the ruling elite are after these areas. The latest guise being used is the fight against terrorists and the search for Osama bin Laden. Whatever guises the ruling elite use to obfuscate the struggles in and for these areas, there is a real reason for them. Most of the people and countries involved in these struggles are caught up in the physical "reasons" (the diversion) and are not aware of the real reason.

The Garden of Eden is not an unfounded myth. It was created by the Anunnaki Elite as a posh prison to house certain high-ranking Anunnaki prisoners. Being a high-security area, it was the perfect place to re-locate the atu-waa. The location of the atu-waa is different from the location of the aperture, which is different from the energy source that I wrote about in Anunnaki and the Coming of the "Sacred" Cross.

When they invaded Iraq in 2003, the Vulturites were after the lost word of the Freemasons, the atu-waa, and the "power point" from where the atu-waa could be activated. They were not looking for weapons of mass destruction at all. They believed it was so urgent to conduct the search that they did not even bother to plant WMD in the country before invading it. In fact, if the Vulturites had planted WMD, then they would have had to cease their searches when they were found. That is why such extensive searches of vans, trucks, tankers and anything that could transport the items were carried out. They also looked in museums and many secret underground facilities. That is why the palaces were specially targeted for searches.

To digress here, when Hitler was running amok in Europe, the ruling elite were relatively unconcerned until he turned his attention to the Middle East, at which point, Generals Patton and Montgomery were unleashed with such a fury that the allies suddenly gained full control of the situation. Prior to that release, Hitler's Germany appeared to be invincible. When Hitler went for the Persian Gulf, his empire crumbled - it was like a paper tiger doing a job for the ruling elite.

Throughout history, three major religions appear to be in conflict and competition for Palestine. These are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These appear to be at odds at various times in history, and yet, at other times, they appear to complement one another. The Christian Bible brings in the Torah and incorporates it into modern-day Christian thought. The Koran incorporates Mary, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Solomon and other Jewish/Christian personalities. The Koran even implies that Christians and Jews are able to enter heaven like the believers (Muslims). Both Jews and Muslims view pigs as unclean. Yet, the Crusades appeared to be Christians versus Muslims. This, like many other events surrounding these three religions, was another diversion.

All the major religious movements are distractions that are sponsored by the ruling elite to serve their purposes.

In reality, people are programmed to act as they do. Although Judaism/Christianity/Islam appear to be in conflict, they are not. They, like all the other major religions, are serving a very specific purpose for the ruling elite. The perceived, unending conflicts are designed to confuse and segregate people so that there will always be strife, conflict, distrust and war. The ruling elite know that it is imperative that people perceive these religious conflicts to be real so that the diversions are not seen through.

For instance, today,

Jews are distrusted for their control of finance and commerce

Muslims are envied for their control of petroleum

Christians are presently wearing the "white" hat, looking like the good Samaritans, but, not far in the past, the Church had committed the most horrific acts of plunder, murder and war

The key lies in and around the Persian Gulf.

When discussing this key, it is unavoidable to bring in the alien wars. What I am about to discuss is for people who have open minds. It is not for the skeptics and those programmed by the ruling elite, as they will probably never be able to see through the programming.

I will repeat here that the Reptilians are a cunning, hedonistic, chauvinistic, powerful race of Anunnaki. They have had the upper hand for so long that they are getting very cocky. In their arrogance, they think they have everything under control, just as they have in the past. They have controlled the re-start of time on many occasions, and always set it up so they were on top. They have controlled the atu-waa for a long, long time.

The Vulturites appear to be hot-headed, vicious and brutal. This has been their trademark, so to speak. The Reptilians have long held an edge over the Vulturites because the latter were so predictably brutal. However, the Vulturites have learned some cunning tricks of their own, and the Reptilians have carelessly underestimated their main opponents. The Reptilians miscalculated the Vulturite resolve to obtain and hold Iraq at almost any cost.

When the Reptilians turned over the U.S.A. to the Vulturites, they expected the Vulturites to brutally attack other countries without purpose or focus. But, the Vulturites were prepared and they went for Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have their sights on Iran. Although they are involved in many other conflicts around the world, and sabre rattling at places such as North Korea and Cuba - these are diversions.

The Vulturites are after the atu-waa. They do not mind being perceived as brutal, deceptive and ambitious. They do not mind being hated, as they are. They have a single purpose, which is to get the atu-waa.

The Reptilians have moved the atu-waa around the world. It has been to many places in recent years, all of which were under Reptilian control at the time. The places include: Tennessee, U.S.A., Australia, Congo, Gibraltar, Vietnam, Israel and Iraq. It was last moved to Afghanistan, near Kabul.

The Vulturites are unaware that the atu-waa is non-functional at this time. The Reptilians have kept this information from the Vulturites and everyone else. There is a missing "part" that contains the "codes" to activate the atu-waa. This is not a physical thing. This is the part  confiscated from the Reptilians a long time ago, after the last re-start of time.  It is a catch-22 situation for the Reptilians.

Many are following the Mayan calendar and mistakenly believe that the end of time is 2012. Those in the know have gone along with this date for a very important reason. It is now time to reveal that time must be re-started in 2008. The year 2012 was another misdirection by the Reptilians to keep their opposition and ordinary people less focused and more complacent. It was also designed to misguide the opposition in their plans. It was important that the date of 2012 was believably close to the actual date of 2008.

If time is not re-started in 2008, it will not be the end of time. Things will just take their own course, and the Cosmos will eventually wind down in a natural "death".

After the last re-start of time, the Amoebas ejected the Anunnaki Elite from the Earth and cordoned off the planet. The Anunnaki Elite carefully guarded the activating code for the atu-waa, and they took it with them as they left the planet. The Anunnaki Elite have attempted to break the blockade on many occasions, but have failed each time. When the Anunnaki Elite realized they could not break the Amoebas' blockade, they tried to send the activating word through the subtle. Their last attempt was when Solomon was king of Israel, and the code was transmitted in three parts to King Solomon, King Hiram and Hiram Abiff. Solomon wanted the power for himself, and his ambition resulted in the failure of the Anunnaki Elite's last attempt to re-activate the atu-waa. See: The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons.

At the time I presented The Real Secret Word of the Freemasons, I used the term of "mor-bon-zi" as the substitute word used by modern-day Freemasons for a definite purpose. The actual substituted word is "ma-ha-bon". There is a very important reason why I did that. All Freemasons should have recognized my alteration of the substitute word, and those in the know would have suspected that there must have been a good reason for doing it. Further, it was critical that I altered the first two syllables of the ACTUAL lost word of the Freemasons in the article. I did this for a purpose. It is the information about the word that was important to release, not the actual word. It was necessary to obscure the actual word. Ata-i-lek is currently searching the Vatican library for this word, hoping that it has been recorded somewhere.

This word is the code that is like an important device that holds the control of the atu-waa. In the wrong hands, it is disastrous. It has been in the wrong hands for a long, long time.

Since the Reptilians underestimated the cunning and resolve of the Vulturites, they have their hands full protecting the atu-waa from the advancing Vulturites, who know that the device must be activated in Iraq to re-start time.

The Reptilians are not fully ready to launch a "conventional" war against the Vulturites yet, but they are in panicked preparation for one. They are secretly mobilizing with great rapidity and intend to strike.

The Reptilians "flexed their muscles" by causing the Indian-Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day 2004. They mistakenly thought this would frighten the Vulturites into submission. It had the reverse effect. The Reptilians murdered tens of thousands of people to try to shock the Vulturites out of their quest, but the cunning Vulturites are so resolved that they have treated their lost positions and people in the wake of the Indian-Ocean tsunami as "pawns" of warfare.

Since the Reptilians are unable to successfully wage "conventional" war upon the Vulturites as yet, the Reptilians plan on striking the heart of the Vulturite stronghold by launching another tsunami and other "natural" disasters that will devastate much of the U.S.A.

The First Major Cataclysmic Event has eventuated. The Second Major Cataclysmic Event is drawing closer.

Some aliens are trying desperately to flee the Earth at this time. Their efforts have caused a lot of ice to melt in Antarctica and other places, along with a host of other problems. What they do not realize is that if time is not re-started from Earth in 2008, the whole Cosmos in the Virtual Reality will be affected too.

Aliens now influence or control all nation states on the Earth. Most of the governments are either predominantly influenced by Reptilians or by Vulturites. These are the two main groups vying for supremacy. They appear in all major political parties around the world.

Whilst the Republican Party in America is currently a Vulturite-influenced party, it is heavily infiltrated by Reptilians, who can often take important leadership roles, and even become Republican presidential candidates. Likewise, the Democratic Party is currently a Reptilian-influenced party that is heavily infiltrated by Vulturites. Today, in America, there is a lot of conflict because of these entanglements and the relative strengths of the two major alien groups.

When one alien group takes full control of a nation, both the opposition and the government will be of the same ilk - that is, either Reptilian or Vulturite. When this happens there is only show fighting because both parties are working for the same alien master.

Whilst most people assume there is a single group of ruling elite on the planet, this is not so. IN FACT, THERE ARE TWO MAIN GROUPS OF RULING ELITE IN THE WORLD. These groups consist of people who are influenced by Reptilians and those who are influenced by Vulturites. In other words, the two main groups of ruling elite in the world are vying for dominance of the Earth. That is why there is so much contradiction and conflict on the planet about various matters.

The ruling elite from both camps dominate all important fields (medicine, education, law, science, politics, technology, ecology, commerce, finance, military and other areas). Therefore, there are constant clashes within and without the fields of operation.

The two groups of ruling elite represent evil fighting evil.

On Earth, Reptilian-sponsored people are constantly being bombarded by Vulturite attacks on the physical and subtle levels. These attacks can result in headaches, other bodily pain, accidents, annoyances, obstructions, traps, set-ups, slanders etc. Of course, not all events are due to alien attacks, but many are. One characteristic of alien attacks is that the attacks can be readily explained away with physical-mind reasoning that appears to offer rational or scientific explanations. Hence, people are being deceived.

Both main groups of aliens have agents in human bodies who carry "poison" and distribute it wherever they go. The particular "poison" can cause physical illness in those affected. It can also cause accidents, epidemics, strange phenomena, depression, anxiety, doubts, despair, fear, friction, loss of energy and other negative occurrences. There are also alien agents who are energy vampires - these may or may not inject "poison" whilst they steal energy.

Hence, Vulturite-sponsored people are constantly being assaulted by Reptilian attacks whilst Reptilian-sponsored people suffer from Vulturite attacks. For those of the Rescue Mission and other Light Workers, there can be attacks from both major alien groups and all of their subordinate groups such as the Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. This is not supposition. It is how the world works. Anunnaki propaganda from the astral world wants searchers to believe that the Earth is a classroom for learning lessons. This is false; the truth is that the Earth is a battlefield.

Currently, the U.S.A. is a Vulturite-influenced nation and Russia is a Reptilian-influenced country. Therefore, it suits the American ruling elite to allow circulation of the theory that Russia attacked America with weather-control weapons. With their respective alien influences in mind, it becomes clearer as to why the Russian government and the American government are at odds with one another at this time. However, the Vulturite-influenced American ruling elite, along with all the world's ruling elite, regardless of whether they are Reptilian- or Vulturite-influenced, have a primary strategy of keeping alien involvement on Earth a secret from humans. This secret is kept for many reasons.

The Earth is a critical battlefield because it is the location of the atu-waa

The aliens want to keep humans in the dark regarding the atu-wa

They have spread many inconsistent theories and religions to conceal the truth from all beings, especially the earthlings

One currently accepted alien-propagated theory is the Big Bang

Whilst many of Earth's scientists and other theorists are still locked into the possibility that the universe began as a dense unintelligent mass of matter that exploded out and randomly spread out into galaxies and solar systems and thereafter developed intelligence as it evolved, more and more of them are beginning to accept that there is an Intelligence behind the formation of the physical universe.
Some skeptics are realizing the absurdity of something huge evolving from something that is minute. Many evolutionists place humankind at the top of the evolutionary ladder, and claim that humans will mutate and evolve into greater and greater intelligences. Not only is this claim exceedingly arrogant, it is basically absurd. How can any thinking person believe that the Earth is run by a lesser intelligence than a single human being, or that the entire solar system is less intelligent than one human being?

Any reasonable reflection tells a thinking mind that the solar system runs in a very predictable order and is anything but random. All of the planets maintain regular rotations and orbits. It is very obvious that there is something directing the motions of the planets. That something has to be an Intelligence far beyond the comprehension of every human mind on Earth.

This Intelligence has planned and created all there is around the universe(s) and superimposed this upon the True-Light Creation. The plan of this Intelligence is very complex and detailed. The characteristics of every atom have been programmed by the Intelligence to bond together to make larger bodies. Likewise, the properties of every planet have been carefully programmed into them to affect things on those planets and the others of the solar system. Astrologers have been able to observe and predict the many complex influences the various planets have upon Earth and its inhabitants. However, astrologers have generally avoided the "why" question about the properties of celestial bodies and interaction of their respective energies. The answer to the question is that the Intelligence programmed the properties into the planets to serve Its own nefarious purposes.

There is a tremendous amount of empty space between the planets of a solar system. On the micro level, there is also a tremendous amount of empty space between atomic parts of physical matter. This is all part of the Intelligence's illusion of vastness.

All of the orbits of every planet are in a particular state of decay - every one of them would fall off their course if something did not keep them aligned and moving continuously. Likewise, all atomic particles are in a state of decay. On the macro and micro levels, the Intelligence has created what appear to be complex, inter-related, perpetual-motion machines.

However, they only appear to be in perpetual motion. Everything in the material world decays and can only continue until it winds down. The universe is winding down. It has wound down many times in the past and each time it has been re-started. Just like humans, the universe, too, has its own lifespan.

As a universe reaches the end of its life, things begin to go awry. Planets start to wobble, stars burn out, celestial bodies become less predictable in their movements and other signs of deterioration become apparent. It is at that point that the universe needs a re-start.

The Intelligence has appointed the Anunnaki as Its agents to bring about the re-starts when they are due. The Anunnaki have kept this information within a very small circle of Anunnaki Elite. This small group is phonetically known as the Waah-haalu. The Waah-haalu were the only ones who knew how to operate the atu-waa. Needless to say, this small group held an enormous power over every being in the Virtual Reality.

For a long time the atu-waa was kept on the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru until that planet was in its final days. When the Waah-haalu re-located the atu-waa to Earth, suddenly, a remote, insignificant and primitive planet became a very important place to those who were aware of the atu-waa.

When the Rescuers of the True-Light discovered the atu-waa on Earth, they disabled the device. After many severe confrontations, the Rescuers were able to separate the atu-waa from the Waah-haalu. Eventually, the Waah-haalu fled the Earth. Ever since, the Waah-haalu have been unable to return to the Earth because of the tight, complex security the Rescuers have placed around the planet's entry points.

Most of the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth are awaiting the return of the Waah-haalu, whom they believe will be able to activate the atu-waa and re-start time before the Virtual Reality breaks down completely. Since the Waah-haalu know they cannot return, they attempted to send a code to King Hiram, King Solomon and Hiram Abiff, but their attempt failed. Some of the aware Freemasons are still seeking the lost code that they refer to as the "lost word".

The Reptilians, who are members of the Anunnaki Remnants, currently possess the non-functional atu-waa. The Waah-haalu have not been able to pass on the operational code to the Anunnaki Remnants on Earth - in fact, the Waah-haalu have since lost the code. Therefore, even if the Waah-haalu were able to return to Earth, they could not operate the atu-waa. There is now only one being who possesses the "code" to the atu-waa.

The atu-waa has been moved many times in the past by the Anunnaki Remnants. It is a complex manoeuvre to re-locate it.


The unsuspecting Vulturites are still searching in the Middle East for the atu-waa - their Middle East search is in vain. Times are very tense because the two major groups of aliens are vying for the atu-waa and hope to be the next generation of controllers of the Virtual Reality. It is for this reason that otherwise rational-appearing people who control weapons of mass destruction are very dangerous. Beware! The talk of peace is only lip service - the two major alien groups are on a war footing!

The Reptilian/Vulturite battle for supremacy has so consumed the aliens that they are involved in an insane war of evil versus evil - and all those in their vicinity are forced to suffer the consequences.

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