Saturday, 15 August 2015

Celestial Battle

This is important to remember, because the key to understanding pre-historical events (as recorded by the Sumerians) and subsequent historical events, resides with the very personage of Abraham, the Father of the Hebrews.

The story continues...

At about this time (four billion years ago) a planet, about four times the size of our planet Earth,broke away from another star system in deep space and started a long journey which finally brought it close to our solar system. The name of this planet was Nibiru. It brought with it four moons known as "Winds," the North Wind, the East Wind, the South Wind, and the West Wind. (Later, in extant writings, the Babylonians renamed the planet Nibiru, Marduk .) Our solar system drew Marduk closer and closer because of gravitational forces, until it was trapped, forever to make the long journey to deep space and then back again around our Sun, coming clockwise into our solar system in proximity between Mars and Jupiter. The problem being there was already a planet (about twice the size of our Earth) orbiting between Mars and Jupiter! This planet was called Tiamat by the Sumerians (Teom, by the later Hebrews).

Tiamat had many small moons and one large moon named Kingu. Kingu was in the process of becoming a full planet in its own right, when Marduk and its moons entered the scene. And quite a scene it was! It was the start of a tremendous celestial battle, to be fought out on a titanic scale.

As mighty Marduk swung in on an arc that put it on a collision course with Tiamat, Kingu (Tiamat's large moon) came between Marduk and Tiamat. One of the Winds (moons) of Marduk swung into position in front of Marduk to do battle with Kingu. Kingu took the first hit as Marduk's moon struck, and glanced off of Kingu, and now Marduk's moon was heading straight for Tiamat!

Tiamat sent out terrible weapons of destruction toward Marduk's Moon, but to no avail...The Moon of Marduk struck Tiamat...cracked the mighty dragon Tiamat like a hard-boiled egg... left her there to languish... to wither in pain and humility: its life all but extinguished. Tiamat awaited her fate... Marduk was now ready (next in line) to strike her... but no! It was a near miss. Would Tiamat be spared?

Yes and no! The Wind (moon) of Marduk had taken the life out of Kingu and all but left Tiamat lifeless. Tiamat now hung, mortally wounded, in space, awaiting her fate.

The God Marduk observed the Dragon Tiamat as He passed by on his first orbit of our Solar System. Then He moved around our Sun and out into deep space whence He came. Thirty six hundred years later He returned... to finish the Titanic battle He had started with Tiamat.

Closer and closer He came, sending out lightning and gravitational nets and awesome weapons toward Tiamat. Tiamat responded with the little life She had left in her... but the Fates had decreed Her destiny. Nothing could be done. Marduk would have His will and His way with Her!

Nothing short of celestial rape would take place on that awesome day, four billion years ago. Marduk struck Tiamat! Half of Tiamat was pulverized immediately. The Winds (moons) of Marduk fought with the remaining moons of Tiamat, sending them off into space, to return periodically as meteors. Half of Tiamat was shunted into a new orbit (along with the dead Kingu) between Venus and Mars. Yes, we live on a planet that was once twice its size and was once called Tiamat!

Earth is the other half of Tiamat. The pulverized part of Tiamat is now the Hammered out Bracelet of biblical nomenclature... in astronomical terms it is called "the asteroid belt." The dead Kingu is now our Moon.

In the awful battle between Marduk and Tiamat, Tiamat was "seeded" with much of the proto-life forms of Marduk. This is also important to remember, as we shall discover during the remainder of this ancient account of the history and cosmology of our Solar System.

To the Sumerians, all of the planets in our solar system were considered Gods. This wasn't a superstition to them. They had good reason for attributing this appellation to the planets as we shall see momentarily.

Marduk's orbit stabilized after its battle with Tiamat/Earth. Every thirty six hundred years it makes its long journey (in a clockwise direction) around our Sun. Astronomers even today are trying to locate "planet X." It is also interesting that some astronomers agree with Zecharia Sitchin's estimate of Marduk's size, based on his interpretation of Sumerian and Babylonian texts.

If it were just a matter of discovering another planet in our solar system, there would probably be no more excitement generated by the general public than say, when Neptune and Pluto were discovered. But there will be much more to be excited about, concerning the day when our astronomers discover Marduk. Because, if the ancient Sumerians were correct about the existence of Marduk, they were also probably correct about one other "fact" concerning Marduk: it is populated with intelligent beings! Back to our story...

About four hundred fifty thousand years ago Marduk made one of its countless orbits around our Sun. But this time was special. This time something happened that would forever change the history of planet Earth. This time a shuttle craft departed from Marduk, with a number of intelligent beings and a scientific payload on board...destined for Earth!

No, they were not human beings, as we think of human beings. They had all the attributes of what we would still consider Gods to be today. Even though they lived phenomenal life- spans, they looked just as we humans do. These beings, from their home planet Marduk, had scientific skills that would still seem magical to us today. They had knowledge of genetics, biology, psychology, anthropology, astronomy and countless other disciplines that we are just now reaching for (but not quite mastering). In short, these beings who dropped down from the heavens, four hundred and fifty thousand years ago, might just as well have been the deities from out of all of the world's religious scriptures. As a matter of fact, they were!

They needed precious metals. Their planet was dying. Their planet's atmosphere was dying, just as our planet's atmosphere is beginning to die. They needed gold and other precious metals to "seed" their planet's atmosphere. Earth had an abundance of gold and other precious metals. The beings from Marduk shuttled to Earth from Marduk, four hundred and fifth thousand years ago, in order to mine our gold and other precious metals! And this is exactly what they did. For one hundred and fifty thousand years, they mined the Earth's gold and other precious metals without the aid of human beings...for there were, as yet, no human beings on Planet Earth.

Yes, they did other things as well. They built settlements (many of them), starting with Eridu (their first space port) in the Mesopotamian Valley area, in the Middle East. Then they built a mission control center called Nippur. They also completed the other settlements necessary for their enormous projects: Larsa and Bad-Tibira, as well as Larak, Sippur, Shurupak and Lagash. All of these settlements were constructed in the Mesopotamian Valley in such a manner as to form a flight corridor for subsequent shuttle-craft. They also had orbiting space stations for use as holding places for the precious metals that would be ferried to Marduk each time Marduk would return from its long journey around our Sun.

Who were these beings who first came from the heavens to mine Earth's precious metals? Did they have names and faces? Can we identify them?

Those beings from Marduk had a Monarchical system of government on their home planet. Their present king was named Anu. His rank was "60" and he was the head of a pantheon of twelve. The members of the pantheon of twelve were all related to each other and were ranked downward from "60". Anu had two sons: Enki, the oldest (by Anu's wife Antu) and Enlil (by Anu's half-sister). Succession to the throne went to the son by the half-sister, therefore Enlil had the rank of "50," whereas the oldest son, Enki, had the rank of "40." Each of the wives were ranked "5" under their spouses, therefore Anu's wife had the rank of "55"; Enlil's wife had the rank of "45"; Enki's wife was ranked "35," and so on until the 12 were completed. (Never more than twelve and never less than twelve. Each of the members of the pantheon were identified with one of the twelve "planets" in our solar system. (The ancients counted the Sun and Moon as planets, Marduk/Nibiru being the 12th planet.)

Anu was the king and head of a pantheon of twelve "gods" on his home planet Marduk/Nibiru. The "beings" from Marduk are known by several appellations. The rank and file are known by the term Anunnaki. The twelve "gods," or, more properly, "lofty ones," were known as the Nefilim -- the biblical Elohim. The ones who stayed (for the most part) in the shuttle-craft and orbiting space stations were known as the Igigi.

The rank and file Anunnaki worked in the gold mines of South Africa for one hundred and fifty thousand years. They literally breathed and ate dust from morning till night mining the precious metal needed so desperately by their home planet, Marduk. In the beginning, Enki (expert in many fields) thought the oceans could be mined for gold but the effort was too time consuming and difficult for the relatively small amount of yield. It wasn't long before the oceans were given up, in lieu of land mining. But after eating and breathing dust for so long, even the "gods" had enough of it and they rebelled big time! No more would they bend their backs and toil endlessly in the ancient mines!

(Because of the animosity and hostility generated between the two sons of Anu, Enlil and Enki (Ea Enki), Anu gave each of them dominion over different areas of the Earth. Enlil would be in charge of the total mining operation but his headquarters would remain in the Mesopotamian Valley area. Enki was put in charge of the mining operations in South Africa. For a time, this worked out rather well -- until the rank and file Anunnaki mutinied -- they refused to work in the mines any longer.)

Enlil, on one of his rare visits to South Africa, had his own mansion and body guards and was sleeping soundly (the ancient writings reveal) when he was abruptly awakened and told that a large party of gold miners were at the gates of his mansion and were threatening bodily harm to all inside. "What is their complaint," Enlil wanted to know. "Why were they at the gates and threatening the great lofty one with bodily harm?"

"They refuse to work in the mines any longer...the toil is too much," he was told.

What to do?! This was unheard of. "Find the leader of this rebellion and bring him to me so that I might kill him," Enlil shouted to his body guards.

"But," the body guards replied, "the great god Enki is the leader of these rebels! How can we subdue Enki?"

Enlil thought for a moment and said, "We shall convene the Counsel of Twelve. Summon the Great Anu. He shall settle this dispute and put all of the guilty parties to death!"

Things, however, did not go quite as Enlil thought they would. Yes, the Counsel of Twelve was convened. Yes, the Great Anu sat in chambers, and after Enlil had finished his tirade against the rebellious miners (and of course their leader -- especially their leader) Enki got up to speak.

"For one hundred and fifty thousand years our brothers have worked, endlessly, in the dirty, dusty mines, constantly bending and bruising themselves so that our home planet's atmosphere might be spared. They have, day in and day out, slaved in those mines. They have a right to be heard!"

The Great Anu agreed! Enlil became still. Enki smiled to himself.

"But what is the solution," Anu demands of Enki.

"There is a way," Enki answered. A hush fell over the conference hall as Enki began to speak.

"My half sister, Ninhursag (chief scientist and genetic engineer), has been experimenting with bio-genetics in her `house of breath,'" Enki began...

"She has been experimenting for quite some time and is near to a solution to our problem. She is attempting to "create," through genetic engineering, a lulu -- a mutation of existing animal life on this planet, intelligent enough to take orders, but subdued enough not to rebel! -- a slave- worker is what she is attempting to "create!"

"So be it!," Anu declared. "Do this so that our own people might have respite from the extraordinary toil the mines have exacted."

It wasn't very long after this historic meeting of the Counsel of Twelve that Ninhursag exclaimed, "I have done it! I have created a Lulu! I have created a slave worker!"

(I shall not go into specifics in this part of my narration concerning just how Ninhursag "created" a slave-worker. For the time being, suffice to say this Lulu was "manufactured" for the sole purpose of working in the gold mines and serving his "gods." This Lulu was a proto-type of what would subsequently be full-fledged human beings. In the beginning, these human proto-types could not procreate.)

In the next segment I will tell of the avarice of Enlil and his friends in the Mesopotamian Valley area. They wanted some of Enki's Lulus for themselves -- to serve them -- to pamper them... I shall also speak of the Garden of Eden and how full-fledged humans came into being with the ability to procreate. All this and more as we continue this saga, straight out of the records left by the ancient Sumerians as translated by Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles.

The biblical account of the creation story takes over about where the Sumerian account ends, with special reference to the Garden of Eden.

After many arguments between Enlil and his brother Enki, over the ownership of the newly "created" Lulus, Enlil finally travels from his base in Mesopotamia, with a couple of weapons (one of which was a huge earth drill), and forcefully captures some of the Lulus, and brings them back to the Sumerian E-Din (Eden). They become the servants to the other Nefilim (Gods). (The later Hebrew scriptures condense the many Sumerian "gods" into one "God"...for nationalistic reasons.) [It is my contention that Enlil (El) becomes JHVH (Jehovah)]

For thousands of years, the naked Lulus labor in the gold mines of South Africa, as well as "tending the garden" in Mesopotamia. Then one day Enki said to himself: "It is not right for my `creation' to be burdened with all of the toil without the benefit of `help mates.' These Lulus look much like we do, but they are not happy. They do not have most of the things we (the Nefilim) take for granted. I will change this. I will give them the ability to procreate!" And Enki did this thing! (It was probably not for purely altruistic reasons that Enki gave the gift of procreation to the Lulus, which, by the way, made of them full-fledge human beings, identical in all ways (but one) with the "Gods." That "one" difference was in a shortened life-span for the humans.)

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