Monday, 10 August 2015

Discord between Enki-ites and Enlil-ites on Earth

The two royal Anunnaki brothers held animosity for one another, causing ancient wars often referred to as the "great wars in heaven" in the Christian dogma.

The Anunnaki referred to themselves as “gods” and “goddesses” throughout the ancient texts; in the same way our politicians refer to themselves as “senator” and “governor”. Mankind, since the birth of the first Adam, learned to use the term “god” when referring to his master/creator the Anunnaki. Our forefathers from Nibiru adhered to a strict hierarchy, a ranking, of “gods” who ruled on both Nibiru and on Earth; with the number 60 assigned to the highest-level supreme ruler. Heretofore I have failed to mention that before the advent of Mankind there was a supreme ruler on Nibiru who was also the first Anunnaki to inhabit the Earth. This ruler embodied the number 60 as well as the title of “god over all gods”.

His name was Alalu; and the supreme ruler I have referred to in prior blog entries, AN/Anu, was once Alalu’s cup-bearer. To serve as cup-bearer to a supreme ruler implies that you are next in line to the throne—once the supreme ruler retires or dies. In due time, AN/Anu and his sons, EN.KI and EN.LIL, would eventually assume the throne. To everyone’s surprise, the young AN/Anu challenged Alalu (an aging ruler) to a wresting match. The much older Alalu fell to the ground; and AN/Anu victoriously took his place. Apparently, this was a time-honored convention on Nibiru—similar to the ancient role of Sumo wrestlers in Japan. What Alalu did next changed the course of history for the entire Solar System.

Since Alalu was truly old and wise, he recalled the times when the planet Earth (Tiamat) was first formed. The generation of Alalu once observed, from an astral vantage, how the Earth was laced with brilliant veins of gold that permeated the entire planet. Though gold was not found on Nibiru, the Anunnaki were well aware of the unique properties of this versatile metal; and these unique properties could very well be what was needed to restore the decaying atmosphere (ozone layer) on their planet. So Alalu, humiliated by his defeat, took possession of a spacecraft and fled Nibiru. His destination— the planet Earth!

Upon his arrival, Alalu immediately began to pan for gold on Earth. When he found trace evidence of the metal in the rivers and streams, Alalu called back to Nibiru and proclaimed himself the “Savior of Nibiru!” Alalu then suggested that his discovery was so significant that he should re-gain the throne and the title of supreme ruler. The governing council on Nibiru were both surprised and elated to say the least; and they sent AN/Anu’s son EN.KI, with a handful of supporting scientists, to verify Alalu’s claim. Oddly enough, once Alalu’s discovery was verified, AN/Anu traveled to Earth and challenged Alalu, once again, to a wrestling match. Again, Alalu lost and he was transported back to Nibiru in shame.

So let me get this straight. Alalu was the first “god” on Earth; the first Anunnaki to inhabit the Earth; the first to find “gold” on Earth; and he was the first to propose the use of gold to repair the decaying atmosphere on Nibiru. And yet he gets absolutely no credit for his efforts? In the eyes of the Anunnaki, once Alalu was usurped by AN/Anu via that first wrestling match, everything henceforth that Alalu did was to no avail. Really? This poor guy got royally shafted; and it seems to me that he would be harboring a monumental grudge.

It is obvious to me that this is where Muhammad, Islam, and the Muslim god Allah come into play. After watching EN.KI and EN.LIL reap their geopolitical rewards on Earth, the descendants of Alalu decided to make a last minute power-play a few short decades after Christianity was established as the official global church-state inside the Vatican Palace around 514 A.D. (Notice how Muslims will build a mosque right next to, or on top of, any Jewish temple or Christian church-- especially in Jerusalem.)  And I can’t say I blame them. If you wonder why Muslims inherently disregard Jews and Christians—it is because Jews and Christians follow the offspring of EN.KI. If you wonder why Muslims rebuke the authoritative Secularist governments—it is because the Secularists follow the offspring of EN.LIL. When we evaluate the constructs of Islam, such as Jihad and Sharia Law, it is obvious that Alalu is proposing an entirely different set of rules—separate and apart from his adversaries EN.KI and EN.LIL.

It’s bad enough that Mankind must succumb to the constant discord between the two brothers EN.KI and EN.LIL— between Enki-ites and Enlil-ites on Earth. When we add a third flash in the pan, the rise of Islam, it has the signature of a severely mistreated Alalu written all over it. Technically, we could say that Iraq and the Holy Land belong to the Muslims, the followers of Allah/Alalu, for the aforementioned reasons. (I draw such conclusions though I am not a Muslim). Unfortunately, throughout history we witness one person make a discovery… and then someone else take all the credit. The Nation of Islam was initiated by the offspring of Alalu—the original supreme ruler and the first Anunnaki “god” on Earth. Without a doubt, the prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Alalu. Similar to Jesus Christ, Muhammad possessed all the ‘divine’ qualities that the Anunnaki gods exhibited in the ancient Sumerian texts. Healing; Prophesy; Resurrection; and Ascension into Heaven. We know that Muhammad had direct knowledge of the heavenly realm even before his final ascension.

Not to contradict myself here, in prior blog posts I have stated that it is the sons of EN.LIL who sponsored the rise of Islam in Mesopotamia; and this is still true. The sons of EN.LIL perceived Islam as a means to thwart the dominating presence of Judaism and Christianity; hence, the reason Secularists today remain sympathetic to the Nation of Islam in many regards. Barrack Obama is clearly one such Enlil-ite Secularist. But, in the end, it is all three—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—whose origins stem from the never-ending power struggles between the Anunnaki “gods”. Is not this latter statement reason enough for Mankind to reconsider a more peaceful alternative here on Earth?


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