Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The Atomic Root Center

Our energy bodies come into this life loaded with “karma” from other lifetimes, and much of it is stashed in the base of the spine (as is dormant kundalini). The base chakra is a primary storage unit of earthly experience (tho it is also distributed everywhere in our DNA). This karma (ie viruses and bacteria from other timestreams such as TB, pleurisy, and other “plague” diseases) can “activate” at any time (as can kundalini), emerging from the spine, traveling up, and manifesting in the physical temporarily as it transmutates up and out for good. Usually it manifests more as an echo than a full-out, lay-you-out illness.

The ultimate point here is, we are PROCESSING much old (ancient, even) low-vibe energies through these current bodies we wear, because we can’t take it with us into higher vibrations. But it must be “brought forth” and healed for good, before we go forward.

So, we are having all kinds of wild things happen within our very bodies, the likes of which make no sense in the “consensus” 3D universe, but which we are working with (and through), regardless. Some of this is family karma, that we in this time frame are clearing for the whole lineage. Some is about our own past lives. And even other stuff, if you are a “full-service pathcutter,” (an agreement I made for this life, to make up for bailing at an important moment during a prior incarnation), processing through you (coming up for Light) on behalf of the entire planet.


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